2019.11.25 Seminar: Nye energisystemer og brandsikkerhed

Med omstilling fra fossile brændsler til mere miljøvenlige energiformer stiger behovet for lagring af energi. Det kan være energi skabt fra solceller & vindmøller samt lagring af brint, LNG m.v. Elbiler er i voldsom vækst, og derfor må batterilagerenheder, lade-stationer m.v. indbygges i bygninger, P-huse, skibe m.v. Lagring og tranport af større energimængder giver brandmæssige …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2019-11-25-seminar-nye-energisystemer-og-brandsikkerhed.htm


Plugvolt is given three webinars as part of their ‘Battery Intelligence Systems Tutorial Course’. This is the course 3/3 and will focus on the following key topics: • The state of OEM new product introduction (NPI)• Battery and system qualification• BMS development and hybrid pulse power characterization (HPPC)• Ensuring time to market for NPI• Extending …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2019-10-23-webinar-course-3-3-battery-intelligence-in-new-product-introduction-npi-for-transportation-and-consumer-electronics.htm


Plugvolt is given three webinars as part of their ‘Battery Intelligence Systems Tutorial Course’. This is the course 2/3 and will focus on the following key topics: • The state of the battery development ecosystem• The design of experiments (DoE) to optimize performance• Dramatic changes in workflow with Battery Intelligence System (BIS) Software• Enhanced analytics …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2019-10-09-webinar-course-2-3-battery-intelligence-in-research-and-development-rd.htm


Plugvolt is given three webinars as part of their ‘Battery Intelligence Systems Tutorial Course’. This is the course 1/3 and will focus on the following key topics: • The need for Battery Intelligence• State of the industry: insufficient resources to meet aggressive electrification goals• State of data today: “Treating it like a mushroom and watching it …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2019-09-25-webinar-course-1-3-introducing-battery-intelligence-systems-bis.htm

2019.09.04 Energidag hos House of Energy

Sammen med flere danske klynger, netværk og brancheorganisationer inviterer House of Energy til Energidag 2019 d. 4. september kl. 8-18 i Aalborg Kongres og Kultur Center. Det haster! Vi har løsningerne. Nu skal vi vise dem og sætte dem sammen på nye måder.  70 procent reduktion i 2030 kræver, at vi sammentænker løsningerne og sikrer …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2019-09-04-energidag-hos-house-of-energy.htm

Lithium Balance påbegynder udrulning af batterilagringssystemer

Lithium Balance er i 2019 begyndt at udrulle sine batterilagringssystmer, hvor f.eks. Ballen Havn på Samsø er én af modtagerne. Når systemerne er blevet leveret til de danske kunder, er det hele Europa, der står for tur. Batterilagringssystemerne kan benyttes til forskellige formål, f.eks. supportering af elnettet eller som buffer ved større beboelsesejendomme med solceller. …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/lithium-balance-pabegynder-udrulning-af-batterilagringssystemer.htm

2019.09.25-27 Nordbatt 2019

The conference takes place over three days with both oral presentations made by leaders in the field of battery research and industry representatives along with poster sessions and breakout sessions in which more informal discussions concerning the latest research are facilitated. Nordbatt 2019 presents an opportunity to review the recent advances in battery science, from materials development to …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2019-09-2527-nordbatt-2019.htm

2019.09.10 Lithium-ion Batterier: Introduktion, anvendelser, marked og perspektiver

Lithium-ion batterier er en forudsætning for mange nye teknologier. De falder hurtigt i pris, stiger i ydelse og gør stadigt flere applikationer rentable. De skal dog styres nøje for at være sikre, fungere godt og holde længe. Hør om perspektiverne ved foredrag af Lars Barkler, CEO i LiTHIUM BALANCE A/S og bestryrelsesformand i DBS. Energilagring …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2019-09-10-lithium-ion-batterier-introduktion-anvendelser-marked-og-perspektiver.htm

Summary of Webinar ‘Electricity storage in the Danish energy system’

Tuesday 18th of June 2019, Poul Alberg Østergaard, Professor at the Department of Planning at Aalborg University, gave a webinar on ‘Electricity storage in the Danish energy system’. Poul’s research is focused on how different sectors can work together in a future energy system highly based on renewables. Denmark already has a lot of wind …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/summary-of-webinar-electricity-storage-in-the-danish-energy-system.htm

2019.10.22:25 PhD/Industrial Course: Storage Systems based on Li-ion Batteries for Grid Support and Automotive Applications

The importance of the Li-ion batteries is booming and after dominating portable electronics applications, they are entering into sectors like grid support, residential and electromobility applications. The penetration of renewables in the power system is considered to significantly increase in the near future; thus, batteries can play a crucial role in the reliable and cost-efficient …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2019-10-22-25-phd-industrial-course-storage-systems-based-on-li-ion-batteries-for-grid-support-and-automotive-applications.htm

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