Teknologisk Institut tilbyder kursus omkring sikkerhed ved arbejdet med batterier og elektricitet. Hele forsyningskæden fra modtagelse over håndtering, montage og opbevaring til bortskaffelse af litium-ion batterier gennemgås. Tid: 19. maj i Taastrup Sted: Teknologisk Institut, Gregersensvej 1, 2630 Taastrup Se program og tilmeld dig her: https://www.teknologisk.dk/kurser/batteri-og-el-sikkerhed/k90627
Tag: safety
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2020-05-19-kursus-i-batteri-og-el-sikkerhed.htm
Ny ordning skaber gennemsigtigt marked for batterianlæg
Teknologisk Institut vil hjælpe solcelle-ejere med at gennemskue det bedste batterikøb med ny prøvningsordning. Danskerne er allerede i fuld gang med at gøre sig uafhængige af fossile brændsler. Flere tusinde husstande har solceller med tilkoblet batterilager, så solcelleenergien kan bruges, når solen er gået ned. Men hvordan vælger de det rette batterianlæg? Teknologisk Institut etablerer …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/ny-ordning-skaber-gennemsigtigt-marked-for-batterianlaeg.htm
Preventing Fire and/or Explosion Injury from Small and Wearable Lithium Battery Powered Devices
Small and wearable electronic devices used in workplaces (e.g., body cameras) rely on a power source that stores a high amount of energy in a small space (i.e., high energy density). Lithium cells provide sustained power and often have the capability to recharge. When designed, manufactured, and used properly, lithium batteries are a safe, high …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/artikel/preventing-fire-and-or-explosion-injury-from-small-and-wearable-lithium-battery-powered-devices.htm
Battery Safety Council Forum 6 – Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment (July 24-25th, 2018)
You are invited to participate in a Technical Workshop (Forum 6) on the topic of hazard analysis and risk assessment in the context of lithium-ion cells and batteries. The forum will be held in Washington, DC on July 24-25th, 2018. This Forum is sponsored by The Battery Safety Council (BSC) in collaboration with the Battery …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/battery-safety-council-forum-6-hazard-analysis-and-risk-assessment-july-24-25th-2018.htm
Battery safety at Danish Battery Symposium 2018
Battery safety is a challenge in the industry and we have chosen to focus on this at the Danish Battery Symposium 2018 (Danish post below). In the morning sessions we will be inspired by the NASA space suit, where the astronaut must be able to survive and work even if a battery cell fails – NASA …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/praesentationer/battery-safety-at-danish-battery-symposium-2018.htm
Lithium batteries – fire and safety hazards
Due to the use of certain chemical compounds in combination with high energy densities and the use of control electronics (potential of technical defect) required for secondary batteries, lithium batteries are associated with specific potential hazards which need to be taken into special consideration with regard to safety. Spectacular incidents have raised public awareness of …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/rapporter/lithium-batteries-fire-and-safety-hazards.htm
Erfaringsudveksling om test af kommercielle batterier
Dansk Batteriselskab inviterer til gå-hjem-møde og erfaringsudveksling i forbindelse med praktiske udfordringer ved test på kommercielle batterier. Emner som vi vil komme ind på inkluderer: Testgrænser Temperaturmåling på battericeller Brand-sikkerhed Testsekvenser og hviletid mellem cycles Mekanisk fiksering Mødet vil blive afholdt hos Teknologisk Institut i Aarhus, hvor der desuden vil være mulighed for at se …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/erfaringsudveksling-om-test-af-kommercielle-batterier.htm
The 2nd Oil & Gas, Marine, Subsea and Aquaculture battery conference
The 2nd Conference for Oil & Gas, Marine, Subsea and Aquaculture batteries will meet to discuss and provide a platform for technological innovations and business opportunities with the latest updates in the fields in Norway and abroad.
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/the-2nd-oil-gas-marine-subsea-and-aquaculture-battery-conference.htm
Batteries, Super Capacitors, Fuel Cells & EV`s Seminar
UL and Shmuel De-Leon Energy, Ltd. are hosting a two-day seminar on May 3-4, 2017 at UL International Demko A/S, Borupvang 5A, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark The seminar program focuses on present and future needs of portable and stationary electrochemical energy sources and highlights the latest technological developments designed to satisfy application requirements. The program reviews …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/batteries-super-capacitors-fuel-cells-evs-seminar.htm
New lithium battery air shipment rules have taken effect.
The new IATA dangerous goods rules for lithium battery air shipments just took effect on Friday. Starting April 1, 2016, lithium-ion batteries packed alone (UN 3480) are prohibited as cargo on passenger aircraft. This is just one of many changes taking effect for lithium battery shippers on April 1. Others include new restrictions on shipment …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/new-lithium-battery-air-shipment-rules-have-taken-effect.htm
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