Dansk Batteriselskab inviterer til det første møde i en mødeserie under temaet Batteri recycling Onsdag d. 4. november 2020kl 14.30 – 16.00 (CET) Dette første møde er et webinar om hvordan batteri-recycling er organiseret i Danmark og om nogle af de praktiske udfordringer industrien møder i forbindelse med genanvendelse og ansvarlig bortskaffelse af batterier. Program: Velkommen ved …
Tag: li-ion
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/praesentationer/2020-11-04-battery-recycling.htm
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2020-09-24-virtuelt-dialogmode-om-optimal-lagring-af-batterier.htm
Towards an Ultimate Battery Thermal Management System: A Review
Abstract: The prevailing standards and scientific literature offer a wide range of options for the construction of a battery thermal management system (BTMS). The design of an innovative yet well-functioning BTMS requires strict supervision, quality audit and continuous improvement of the whole process. It must address all the current quality and safety (Q&S) standards. In …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/artikel/videnskabelig/dynamic-charge-discharge-phase-transitions-in-li3v2po43-cathodes-2.htm
New lithium battery air shipment rules have taken effect.
The new IATA dangerous goods rules for lithium battery air shipments just took effect on Friday. Starting April 1, 2016, lithium-ion batteries packed alone (UN 3480) are prohibited as cargo on passenger aircraft. This is just one of many changes taking effect for lithium battery shippers on April 1. Others include new restrictions on shipment …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/new-lithium-battery-air-shipment-rules-have-taken-effect.htm
Hywind Scotland to feature novel battery storage
A new battery storage solution for offshore wind energy will be piloted as part of the Hywind Scotland project, the world’s first floating wind farm, to be installed off the coast of Peterhead in Aberdeenshire. The wind park is currently under construction and start of electricity production is expected in late 2017. Statoil will install a 1MWh …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/hywind-scotland-to-feature-novel-battery-storage.htm
Designing the first electric touring motorcycle
Having to cover 40.000 kilometres in 80 days has challenged STORM Eindhoven to create a motorcycle that holds great amounts of energy, but also enables the driver to easily replenish this energy. STORM Pulse uses a swappable, modular battery pack to be able to adapt its characteristics to the demands of the route. Furthermore, the …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/designing-the-first-electric-touring-motorcycle.htm
First came the material
“It is very easy to make a bad battery out of a good material, but it is impossible to make a good battery out of a bad material.” This truth underlines the universal position of materials chemistry in battery science. In simple terms one may say that at the core of every energy technology there …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/praesentationer/first-came-the-material.htm
Large-scale battery storage system being built in Aachen is based on a modular design
The E.ON Energy Research Center at RWTH Aachen University, energy utility E.ON SE, battery manufacturer Exide Technologies GmbH’s GNB® Industrial Power division, battery manufacturer beta-motion GmbH, and inverter manufacturer SMA Solar Technology AG will build this year in Aachen a worldwide unique large-scale modular battery storage system with a power range of five megawatts. The project named …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/large-scale-battery-storage-system-being-built-in-aachen-is-based-on-a-modular-design.htm