This is the program from the first and founding meeting on the 1st of March 2013 indicating the time for the various activities. You can see abstracts and download slides from the 11 presentations and read about the speakers by following the links below. Pictures from the meeting are found here.
Welcome and introduction to Danish Battery Society
09.00 Welcome
09.10 Presentation of Danish Battery Society
09.30 QnA and discussion of interests in DBS and suggestions for activities
General meeting
10.00 Presentation of statutes
10.15 Vote on the adoption of the statutes
10.20 Presentation of board members
10.30 Election of board members
10.40 Coffee break
Session I: Updates from universities part I
Chair: Jonathan Højberg11.00 Battery activities at AAU: UPS, APU, automotive and grid connected systems
11.25 Battery Activities at DTU Energy Conversion: From fundamental mechanisms to applications
Session II: Updates from industry part I
Chair: Jon Fold von Bülow11.50 Battery activities in Lithium Balance
12.20 Life time predictions of the lithium ion batteries in the Virtual Power Plant
12.50 Lunch outside the auditorium
Session III: Fundamental considerations
Chair: Jonathan Højberg13.30 Fundamental considerations on energy density, power density and safety of batteries
14.00 Challenges and considerations when starting up Li ion battery research – from a practical point of view
Session IV: Updates from universities part II
Chair: Jonathan Højberg14.30 Battery research at SDU and IISc, Bangalore, India: Li-ion microbatteries
14.55 Battery activities at AU. Hydrothermal synthesis of battery materials
15.20 Coffee break and cake
Session V: Updates from industry part II
Chair: Jon Fold von Bülow15.40 DANIONICS A/S, 1994 – 2005
16.10 Nokia, the Battery Group 2004 and the Danish Electric Car Committee
16.40 Battery activities at Haldor Topsøe A/S
17.10 Program ends
19.00 Dinner at Hotel Prindsen