Haldor Topsøe A/S
Haldor Topsøes Allé 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Thursday, 7th of July 2016
from 10am to after lunch (included)
You will need to pick up an access card at the reception. We will start the meeting in room 6011, at Nymøllevej 66.
We are planning a visit to Haldor Topsøe, to see how they prepare uniform electrode coatings for very reproducible results. During this visit we will establish the procedure for preparing and measuring on the LNMO-coin cells, inspired by the routine used at Haldor Topsøe. This will be a good opportunity to ask questions related to the fabrication of electrode components, cell assembly, the measurement etc. and to explore viable alternatives as it is unlikely that all groups have access to the same equipment as Haldor Topsøe.
Please consider any questions you might have to the fabrication procedure, and perhaps write down the procedure you are currently using. The chemical supplier you are using, and your instruments brand might also be relevant. For all who wishes to receive a sample of LNMO for electrochemical testing (in accordance with the action points from the annual meeting), you must fill out a Materials Test Agreement (MTA) beforehand. Send an e-mail to me, and I’ll make sure that you’ll receive an MTA before the visit. At lunch time we will go to the Haldor Topsøe cantina.
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to Daniel Risskov Sørensen (drs
In accordance with the Action Points established during the DBS annual meeting, we are planning to set up an activity where each research group makes an impedance measurement on a coin cell with LNMO as the positive electrode. We will all construct the coin cell in the same manner using the same components and the same parameters in the impedance measurements. Afterwards, we will compare the results, and discuss any differences. This will be done to set up a good practice for measuring impedance parameters, ensure that all groups are able to perform high-quality measurements with similar results, and to establish a forum for discussing aspects of impedance measurements in general.