The annual symposium in the Danish Battery Society is hosted by Aarhus University’s Department of Chemical Engineering and focus on current and future battery activities in Denmark with updates from research and industry. It will take place on Tuesday, 12th of March 2019. Please follow the link below for further information regarding programme, registration, General Assembly, …
Tag: transport
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Batteridrevne flyvemaskiner
Verdens største flyproducenter er i gang med at udvikle elektriske fly. I første omgang som hybrid-fly. Men på længere sigt vil kortere kommercielle ruter kunne betjenes med 100 procent eldrevne passagerfly. Korte afstande gør Danmark til det ideelle sted for helt eller delvist elektriske fly. Dansk luftfartsdirektør håber, at det kommer til at ske inden …
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Highlights from Danish Battery Symposium 2017
The 2017 symposium in the Danish Battery Society was hosted by Dorthe Ravnsbæk and her group at the University of Southern Denmark in a comfortable campus setting outside Odense. The ambition of this years symposium was to follow up on the working groups established last year to enable more networking and direct knowledge sharing. After a short but …
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Highlights from Danish Battery Symposium 2016
The third annual symposium in the Danish Battery Society was hosted by DTU Energy in the comfortable meeting center at DTU Lyngby Campus. The ambition of this years symposium was different from previous years with a more open program to enable more networking and direct knowledge sharing. The speakers Don Siegel from University of Michigan and Kevin …
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New lithium battery air shipment rules have taken effect.
The new IATA dangerous goods rules for lithium battery air shipments just took effect on Friday. Starting April 1, 2016, lithium-ion batteries packed alone (UN 3480) are prohibited as cargo on passenger aircraft. This is just one of many changes taking effect for lithium battery shippers on April 1. Others include new restrictions on shipment …
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Annual meeting in the Danish Electric Vehicle Alliance
On 25 November from 1 pm to 5 pm, the Danish Electric Vehicle Alliance host their annual meeting with the topic Battery development including talks from researchers, companies and politicians. Speakers include members of the Danish Battery Society Lars Barkler from Lithium Balance and Søren Dahl from Haldor Topsøe A/S. Details about the meeting and signup info is …
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Wireless charging powers electric buses
The city of Gumi, South Korea has debuted a wirelessly charged electric bus, becoming yet another municipality to embrace induction charging. Where we’re going, we don’t need cords. The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) developed the Online Electric Vehicle (OLEV) platform, which is already in use on trams at the Seoul Grand …
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