Dansk Batteriselskab indkalder til årssymposium og generalforsamling for medlemmer og interesserede allerede 3. marts 2022
Danish Battery Society invite for the yearly Symposium and announce the General Meeting already 3th of March 2022
På symposiet er der mulighed for at høre nogle tanker om fremtidens batteri applikationer. Vestas deler deres overvejelser om udfordringerne ved energilagring. Aalborg Universitet ser på den næste generation af batteristyring. Projector (en dansk tog-renoveringsvirksomhed) kan give lokale dieseltog et længere grønt liv med meget lavere driftsomkostninger. Et andet vigtigt fokusområde på symposiet er genbrug og genanvendelse. Der vil være en præsentation af, hvordan brugte batterier kan gøres til værdifulde materialer. Nogle batterimaterialer kan være udfordrende at udvinde, men der findes specialister til f.eks. kulstof. EU er ved at forberede ny batteriforordning, som vil få betydning for alle, der placerer batterier eller produkter med batterier på markedet. På symposiet vil der desuden være mulighed for at se Teknologisk Instituts batteri test laboratorier. Vi slutter symposiet med en forum session, hvor bl.a. fremtidige aktiviteter i batteriselskabet kan diskuteres.
At the symposium you can hear some thoughts on the future applications of batteries. Vestas share some of their considerations regarding energy storage challenges. Aalborg University are looking into the next generation of battery management and Projector A/S (a Danish Rail-refurbishment company) can give local trains a cheaper and longer green life with batteries. Recycling and resuse of batteries is also an important topic of the symposium. You can hear about turning used batteries into value materials. Some battery materials like carbon can be particular challenging to conserve but there are specialists for that. EU is preparing new regulation on batteries, that will affect nearly all placing batteries on the market. It will also be possible to visit the the battery test labs at Danish technological Institute. We finish the symposium with a forum session discussing future activities in the battery society. Please be aware that most of the talks and discussions likely will be in Danish.
Sted / Location: Virtuel eller fysisk deltagelse / virtual or physical presence: Teknologisk Institut, Aarhus. Meeting room: AR 1.5.12 Konferencesalen. Entrance at the reception at Kongsvang Allé 29, 8000 Aarhus C.
Sprog / Language: Sproget vil hovedsagelig være på dansk, men flere af indlæggende vil dog være på engelsk / The language will mainly be in Danish, but several of the speakers will be in English.
Tilmeldingsfrist / Registration deadline: Tirsdag d. 1. marts 2022 kl. 14:00 / Tuesday 1st of March 2022 at 2:00 pm (CET).
Pris / cost: Gratis, men Teknologisk Institut forbeholder sig mulighed for at opkræve et ”no-show”-gebyr til dækning af forplejning ved udeblivelse / Free of charge, but no-show fee for catering may be issued. Frist for afbud er d. 28. februar / The deadline for cancellations is 28 February .
- 9:30, Morgenkaffe ved møde lokalet
- 10:00, Welcome, Kjeld Nørregaard / DBS & Teknologisk Institut
- 10:10, Batteries in the energy system – Allowable cost of energy storage, Vestas
- 10:55, Next Generation BMS for Smart Battery (The Smart Battery project), Aalborg University
- 11:25, Improved battery metals recycling by Fortum, Fortum
- 12:00, Walk to labs
- 12:05, Visit to DTI battery labs including standing lunch, Teknologisk Institut
- 13:00, Battery repowering diesel trainset, Projector A/S
- 13:30, Nes on the new European battery regulation, Miljøministeriet
- 14:00, Coffee break
- 14:20, Carbon recycling – reuse of carbon for batteries, Vianode (Norge)
- 14:50, Members forum
- 14:50, Batteri-erfagruppe (BG04) intro, Per Jørgensen-Møller / DBS
- 15:05, Deltager forslag til kommende arrangementer og aktiviteter
- 15:25, Hvordan lokkes studerende til at præsentere batterirelevante opgaver og projekter?
- 15:40, Ultrakorte informationer medlem til medlem 2-4 min, medlemmer
- 16:00, Afslutning på årsmøde, Kjeld Nørregaard / DBS
- 16:05, Kort pause til kaffe refill
- 16:10, DBS generalforsamling, Dagsorden i henhold til vedtægterne. Alle er velkomne til GF. Kun medlemmer kan stemme.
- 16:55, Generalforsamling slut
Vel mødt på DBS Årssymposium 2022 / We hope to see you at the DBS symposium 2022
Kjeld Nørregaard,
Formand for Dansk Batteriselskab / Chairman of the board of the Danish Battery Society
Symposium presentations General Meeting
Our Goal
The battery research is blooming in Denmark and a number of Danish companies are already focusing on developing materials and implementing batteries in commercial products.
The active players in Denmark are often small groups and to compete internationally, we see a need for exchange of knowledge and experience, i.e. characterization methods, lab facilities, types of batteries and market trends.
In recent years a number of interest groups have been founded to meet a need of sharing knowledge within a specific type of battery chemistry or a specific application of batteries, but so far no association has tried to gather and share information across the various research areas.
The purpose of the Danish Battery Society is to create a forum to share knowledge through targeted events and an annual meeting.