…ed manner, but uncontrollably in the form of thermal energy. In case of such a failure, the thermal energy released by a lithium ion battery may be 7 to 11 times higher than the energy stored electrically. The produced heat accelerates the reaction, resulting in a critical overheating of the battery. In addition, it is possible that cathode materials disintegrate at high temperatures. This reaction also produces heat (exothermic reaction) and…
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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/rapporter/lithium-batteries-fire-and-safety-hazards.htm
Accelerated reported battery capacity loss in 30 kWh variants of the Nissan Leaf
…thors of the investigation conclude, that a faster rate of decline in the state-of-health (SoH) for the 30 kWh variants over the 24 kWh variants is detected. Some of the 30 kWh variants had already lost 20 % of the battery capacity after only two years of operation. Read the full paper here: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/201803.0122/v1 Source: Myall, D.; Ivanov, D.; Larason, W.; Nixon, M.; Moller, H. Accelerated Reported Battery Capacity…
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/artikel/accelerated-reported-battery-capacity-loss-in-30-kwh-variants-of-the-nissan-leaf.htm
Battery Safety Council Forum 6 – Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment (July 24-25th, 2018)
You are invited to participate in a Technical Workshop (Forum 6) on the topic of hazard analysis and risk assessment in the context of lithium-ion cells and batteries. The forum will be held in Washington, DC on July 24-25th, 2018. This Forum is sponsored by The Battery Safety Council (BSC) in collaboration with the Battery Task of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Technology Collaboration Program on Hybrid and Electric Vehicles…
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/battery-safety-council-forum-6-hazard-analysis-and-risk-assessment-july-24-25th-2018.htm
2018-12-10 (to 11th) Solid-State Battery Session at the Nordic Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology
The Danish Battery Society is organizing a half-day session on solid-state batteries at the Nordic Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology 2018 and it will be possible for DBS members to participate. More info on price, time and sign-up for DBS members will follow later. All major car producers expect solid-state batteries to enable the next leap forward in battery energy density by enabling the use of metallic lithium as the anode. The…
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/solid-state-battery-session-at-the-nordic-conference-on-ceramic-and-glass-technology.htm
Preventing Fire and/or Explosion Injury from Small and Wearable Lithium Battery Powered Devices
…are normally safe, they may cause injury if they have design defects, are made of low quality materials, are assembled incorrectly, are used or recharged improperly, or are damaged. In February 2018, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Status Report on High Energy Density Batteries Project reported over 25,000 overheating or fire incidents involving more than 400 types of lithium battery-powered consumer products that occurred over…
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/artikel/preventing-fire-and-or-explosion-injury-from-small-and-wearable-lithium-battery-powered-devices.htm
2019-11-28 Konference om Avanceret Energilagring
…rier, som arbejder med energilagringsteknologi vil også være på programmet. Derudover vil der være tid til at networke med øvrige deltagere og diskutere teknik eller samarbejde med Teknologisk Institut. Dette års konference afholdes den 28. november på Teknologisk Institut i Aarhus. Læs mere om konferencen her: https://www.teknologisk.dk/ydelser/konference-om-avanceret-energilagring/38681…
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2019-11-28-konference-om-avanceret-energilagring.htm
2021.10.14 Webinar: AI-accelerated discovery processes for next-generation battery materials
…g and controlling the complex and dynamic processes in the electrodes, electrolytes and battery interfaces hold the key to develop ultra-performant and sustainable batteries. Atomic-scale simulations have reached predictive accuracy in many aspects of the materials design, characterization and discovery process. Here, we provide a number of recent examples of how density functional theory (DFT) simulations supported by machine learning and…
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2021-10-14-webinar-ai-accelerated-discovery-processes-for-next-generation-battery-materials.htm
Lithium Balance og SMILE-projektet på berlingske.dk
Uddrag fra berlingske.dk: “Virksomheden Lithium Balance har udviklet en energieffektiv løsning på et af de helt store problemer i energibranchen i disse år, nemlig lagring af strøm. Nu lancerer virksomheden, der er direkte konkurrent til Tesla, sine første kæmpebatterier på lystbådehavnen i Ballen på Samsø. Den lille danske vækstvirksomhed Lithium Balance er efter fire-fem års udviklingsarbejde klar til at sende sine første nye,…
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/lithium-balance-og-smile-projektet-pa-berlingske-dk.htm
Batterieksperter i “Følg Pengene” på P1
Tejs Vegge, Professor på DTU Energi, og Lars Barkler, CEO i Lithium Balance og bestyrelsesformand i Dansk Batteriselskab, var d. 24. april 2019 i P1 programmet “Følg Pengene”. Hør det yderst spændende indslag om batteriernes udvikling, batterimarkedet og batteriernes betydning for vores samfund her: https://www.dr.dk/radio/p1/foelg-pengene/foelg-pengene-60 Indslaget begynder ca. 39 minutter inde i programmet.
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/batterieksperter-i-folg-pengene-pa-p1.htm
Superkondensator-bus testes i Aalborg
…måneder på en strækning mellem lufthavnen, banegården og universitetet i Aalborg. Elbussen har en begrænset rækkevidde på 30-40 km, hvorfor der er installeret hurtigladere i hver ende af ruten. Bussen tilkobles laderen via en pantograf, der kan oplade bussen på 6 minuter. Se yderligere beskrivelse og elbusen og firmaet bag superkondensator modulet, kinesiske Aowei, på Energy-Supply:…
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/artikel/superkondensator-bus-testes-i-aalborg.htm