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Referat fra IEA ICP HEV møde i København og Wien

Der blev i starten af november afholdt et dansk orienteringsmøde om mulighederne for deltagelse i IEA HEV TCP (Hybrid Electric Vehicles) arbejdsgruppen i Energistyrelsens lokaler forud for møderne i Wien. Arbejdsgruppen har stor fokus på e-mobilitet og elektrisk transport. Dagsorden og Michael Rasks præsentation fra orienteringsmødet kan downloades her: IEA HEV EXCO DK infomeeting 2017 (3.2 …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/referat-fra-iea-icp-hev-mode-i-kobenhavn-og-wien.htm

Lithium batteries – fire and safety hazards

Due to the use of certain chemical compounds in combination with high energy densities and the use of control electronics (potential of technical defect) required for secondary batteries, lithium batteries are associated with specific potential hazards which need to be taken into special consideration with regard to safety. Spectacular incidents have raised public awareness of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/rapporter/lithium-batteries-fire-and-safety-hazards.htm

Orienteringsmøde om IEA ICP HEV

Hermed inviteres til orienteringsmøde onsdag den 8. November kl. 12.30-14.00. Mødet afholdes i Energistyrelsens lokaler i Amaliegade 44, 1256 København K, Heerupsalen. Orienteringsmødet omhandler dansk deltagelse i det Internationale Energi Agenturs arbejdsgruppe om hybrid elektriske køretøjer (IEA HEV TCP), som afholder næste møde den 13-15 november 2017 i Wien. Undertegnede repræsenter Danmark i arbejdsgruppen og …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/orienteringsmode-om-iea-icp-hev.htm

Erfaringsudveksling om test af kommercielle batterier

Dansk Batteriselskab inviterer til gå-hjem-møde og erfaringsudveksling i forbindelse med praktiske udfordringer ved test på kommercielle batterier. Emner som vi vil komme ind på inkluderer: Testgrænser Temperaturmåling på battericeller Brand-sikkerhed Testsekvenser og hviletid mellem cycles Mekanisk fiksering Mødet vil blive afholdt hos Teknologisk Institut i Aarhus, hvor der desuden vil være mulighed for at se …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/erfaringsudveksling-om-test-af-kommercielle-batterier.htm

WG1: In situ battery setup at DANMAX

Dear all, As agreed during the workgroup session at the DBS annual meeting we will have a meeting within the “in situ PXD battery cell”-workgroup (WG1) to discuss the operando battery setup to be implemented at DANMAX, MAXIV and also how to realize the construction. The meeting will be at SDU on the 15th of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/wg1-in-situ-battery-setup-at-danmax.htm

WG3: Distributed energy storages and their role in the future energy system

PlanEnergi would like to invite you to an international workshop with the title: What role should energy storage on building and neighborhood level play in the future energy system?   At the workshop, Danish and international experts in the field will present their views on the role of small-scale energy storages in the energy system …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/wg3-distributed-energy-storages-and-their-role-in-the-future-energy-system.htm

Working Group 2: Minutes from the annual DBS meeting

At this year’s annual symposium in DBS, we had the pleasure of inviting Dr. Peter Axmann from ZSW, Germany. Dr. Axmann is an expert on cathode materials in alkaline and lithium-ion batteries and has extensive knowledge of the assembly and characterisation of these battery systems. Daniel started this year’s workgroup session with a short summary of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/working-group-2-minutes-from-the-annual-dbs-meeting.htm

Workshops on battery safety, IEA TCP on HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicles) and the US Battery Safety Council

December 13th -14th, 2016, College Park, Maryland  January 12th  –13th , 2017 Washington, DC Please see attached information: .announcement-internal-short-circuit-discussion-nov-15 Here are some of the topics for January that were discussed earlier this year.  The exact agenda is still being developed.   1.        Causes for internal shorts; the intent of this forum is to educate communities that do not have …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/eksterne/workshops-on-battery-safety-iea-tcp-on-hev-hybrid-electric-vehicles-and-the-us-battery-safety-council.htm

Overcoming Thermal Challenges in Charging Systems for PHEV

Manufacturers in the passenger and commercial vehicle sector are coming up with their own electric vehicles models. Major OEMs are constantly developing new ways to make electric vehicles and hybrids more competitive and to increase customer’s acceptance. How will their solutions and developments impact the market? What are the current innovations and solutions to charging …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/rapporter/overcoming-thermal-challenges-in-charging-systems-for-phev.htm

Skal vi væk fra udskiftelige batterier i gadgets?

Miseren med den selvantændelige Galaxy Note 7 kunne helt have været undgået, hvis Samsung stadig havde brugt udskiftelige batterier i sine mobiltelefoner, lyder det. Niks, så simpelt er det ingenlunde, siger formanden for Dansk Batteriselskab.

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/skal-vi-vaek-fra-udskiftelige-batterier-i-gadgets.htm

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