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BG-04 medlemsmøde hos RTX

Eksklusivt for BG-04 medlemmer – Torsdag d. 30. august 2018 afholder ERFA gruppen BG-04 medlemsmøde hos RTX A/S i Nørresundby. Program Velkommen og kort om RTX. Derefter Tema/Bordet rundt Tema: Præsentation af BATNOSTIC-projektet (SoH estimering af elbilsbatterier) ved Erik Schaltz, Aalborg Universitet, Institut for Energiteknik Sikkerhed og standardisering Ladeteknik Møder 2018/19 –dato -vært -tema Miljø …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/bg-04-medlemsmode-hos-rtx.htm

Data Shows Tesla Batteries Lose Less Than 10 Percent Capacity at 160,000 Miles

TheDrive: “A thread on popular Tesla forum Tesla Motors Club has begun to track battery degradation over time with the use of community-sourced and tracked data. Using a scatter plot, the overwhelming worldwide response to the request for data was able to establish a clear trend line. In 270,000 kilometers (168,000 miles), the average battery degraded less …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/data-shows-tesla-batteries-lose-less-than-10-percent-capacity-at-160000-miles.htm

Temamøde om transport af lithiumbatterier – Lufttransport er mest kritisk

Teknologisk Institut afholdt i samarbejde med DBS Industry temamøde om transport af lithium batterier og produkter indeholdende lithium batterier i Aarhus d. 8. maj 2018. Deltagerne var en bred skare af sikkerhedsrådgivere, distributører af batterier, producenter af produkter med batterier og forening for den danske transportbranche. Fælles for alle deltagere var, at de efterlyser en …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/temamode-om-transport-af-lithiumbatterier-lufttransport-er-mest-kritisk.htm

Low-complexity online estimation for LiFePO4 battery state of charge in electric vehicles

This paper proposes a low-complexity online state of charge estimation method for LiFePO4 battery in electrical vehicles. The proposed method is able to achieve accurate state of charge with less computational efforts in comparison with the nonlinear Kalman filters, and also can provide state of health information for battery management system. According to the error …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/artikel/videnskabelig/low-complexity-online-estimation-for-lifepo4-battery-state-of-charge-in-electric-vehicles.htm

Tak for sidst på Folkemødet: Batterier i alting – er vi klar til det i Danmark?

Batteriselskabet var inviteret til at agere ekspert i panelet på dette års Folkemødedebat om batterier. Omdrejningspunktet var forskellige batteritype og deres potentialer. I panelet sad foruden Lars Overgaard, der repræsenterede DBS, også Henrik Thomsen for Energinet, der er ansvarlig for el-transmisionsnettet i Danmark, Jørgen S. Christensen fra Dansk Energi, der er ansvarlige for el-distributionsnettet i …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/tak-for-sidst-pa-folkemodet-batterier-i-alting-er-vi-klar-til-det-i-danmark.htm

Solcelle-ejere får hjælp til at vælge batteri

Teknologisk Institut er i et ELFORSK projekt ved at efterprøve nyudviklede metoder, der kan hjælpe danske boligejere med at vælge det bedste batterianlæg til lagring af solcelle-strøm. I forskningsprojektet ”Benchmark af nettilsluttede batterianlæg til bygninger” har Teknologisk Institut og en række projektpartnere fået tilskud til at udvikle en metode til pålidelig test og sammenligning af …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/solcelle-ejere-far-hjaelp-til-at-vaelge-batteri.htm

What are the collection targets for portable batteries?

The overall target set by the Batteries Directive is that 25% of all waste portable batteries should be collected by 2012 and 45% by 2016 (Article 10(2)). Read more in the pdf “Frequently Asked Questions on Directive 2006/66/EU on Batteries and Accumulators and Waste Batteries and Accumulators”. If you have information about the current state …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/rapporter/what-are-the-collection-targets-for-portable-batteries.htm

Lithium‑ion Batteries: Market Development & Raw Materials 2018

The Lithium‑ion battery industry has developed rapidly in recent years as existing battery technologies such as NiMH and NiCd, are replaced and the advent of mass produced electric vehicles is forecast to transform the raw material requirements for their manufacture. Legislation and regulation promoting the electrification of vehicles is expected to support increasing uptake of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/rapporter/lithium%e2%80%91ion-batteries-market-development-raw-materials-2018.htm

Nordic Ecolabelling criteria for Primary Batteries under consideration

Dear stakeholder, We would like to inform you that our proposal for new Nordic Ecolabelling criteria for Primary Batteries is now under consideration. We would highly appreciate your input so that we can be as successful as possible. Nordic Ecolabelling is developing a new consulting process in order for you to get involved from the beginning of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/links/nordic-ecolabelling-criteria-for-primary-batteries-under-consideration.htm

Development of AMPIX-based in situ cell testing system for DANMAX setup receives grant

The development of an in situ cell for the DANMAX setup has just been granted with 500.000 kr by the Carlsberg Foundation. One goal of the development is to combine the AMPIX cell with a 12 position sample stage and have it implemented on the DANMAX beamline. Another goal is to create an active community …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/development-of-ampix-based-in-situ-cell-testing-system-for-danmax-setup-receives-grant.htm

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