Teknologisk Institut afholdt i samarbejde med DBS Industry temamøde om transport af lithium batterier og produkter indeholdende lithium batterier i Aarhus d. 8. maj 2018. Deltagerne var en bred skare af sikkerhedsrådgivere, distributører af batterier, producenter af produkter med batterier og forening for den danske transportbranche. Fælles for alle deltagere var, at de efterlyser en …
All events that we have announced
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/temamode-om-transport-af-lithiumbatterier-lufttransport-er-mest-kritisk.htm
Battery Safety Council Forum 6 – Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment (July 24-25th, 2018)
You are invited to participate in a Technical Workshop (Forum 6) on the topic of hazard analysis and risk assessment in the context of lithium-ion cells and batteries. The forum will be held in Washington, DC on July 24-25th, 2018. This Forum is sponsored by The Battery Safety Council (BSC) in collaboration with the Battery …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/battery-safety-council-forum-6-hazard-analysis-and-risk-assessment-july-24-25th-2018.htm
DBS på folkemødet – Batterier i alting – er vi klar i Danmark? (15. juni 2018)
Vi taler om batterier og store batterier – om de muligheder der ligger i husstandsbatterier, elbilsbatterier og hvilken betydning disse kan få for forbrugerne og for el-nettet? Om hvorvidt vi kan sammenligne batterier og prissætte dem og hvad med sikkerhed og de miljømæssige aspekter? Er Danmark klar? Vi har samlet et ekspertteam, der vil gøre os klogere på teknologier og den nyeste viden om batterier. Dansk …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/dbs-pa-folkemodet-batterier-i-alting-er-vi-klar-i-danmark-15-juni-2018.htm
2018-09-26 Opfølgning på Energilagring – Forskning og Løsninger til at Lagre Sol og Vind
Hvordan kan vi lagre energi? Hvad gør vi med overskudsstrøm fra vindmøller? Omdannelse til metangas og lithium batterier kan være nogle af svarene. Arrangør: IDA ENERGI Medarrangører: IDA BIOSCIENCE, IDA E, IDA ELTEKNIK, IDA GRØN TEKNOLOGI, IDA KØLE- & VARMEPUMPE TEKNOLOGI, IDA MECHANICAL, IDA PROCES Dato og tid: 26. September 2018, kl. 16:45 – 20:30 Tilmeldingsfrist: 26. …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/research-in-energy-storage-at-dtu-energy-2.htm
Chairman’s Report
General Assembly DTI CPH, March 7th, 2018 Constitution of the new board After the General Assembly in 2017 we could welcome three new board members: Erik Schaltz (Associate professor, Aalborg University), Poul Norby (Professor, DTU Energy) and Per Jørgensen Møller (Chairman, BG-04). Based on the good experience from 2016 it was agreed to continue …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/rapporter/chairmans-report-2017.htm
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/losninger-til-at-lagre-sol-og-vind.htm
Tour to battery and fast charging installations (23. May)
Learn about the future energy systems in a guided tour around part of the Nordhavn area in Copenhagen where more than a handful of buildings are part of the project EnergyLab Nordhavn. During the tour you will learn about the grid integrated battery, Denmarks first EV fast chargers, intelligent building automation and flexible and low …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/tour-to-battery-and-fast-charging-installations.htm
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/research-in-energy-storage-at-dtu-energy.htm
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/conference-on-circular-economy-of-battery-production-and-recycling-24-26-september-2018.htm
2018-10-23(till 26th) Industrial/PhD Course: Storage Systems based on Li-ion Batteries for Grid Support and Automotive Applications
The importance of the li-ion batteries is booming and after dominating portable electronics applications, they are entering into sectors like grid support, residential and electro-mobility applications. The penetration of renewables in the power system is considered to significantly increase in near future; thus, batteries can play a crucial role in the reliable and cost-efficient grid integration of intermittent …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/industrial-phd-course-storage-systems-based-on-li-ion-batteries-for-grid-support-and-automotive-applications-23-26-oktober-2018.htm