Chairman’s Report

General Assembly

DTI CPH, March 7th, 2018


Constitution of the new board

After the General Assembly in 2017 we could welcome three new board members: Erik Schaltz (Associate professor, Aalborg University), Poul Norby (Professor, DTU Energy) and Per Jørgensen Møller (Chairman, BG-04). Based on the good experience from 2016 it was agreed to continue to organize the board in three teams:

Editorial team: Erik (Chair), Jon, Andreas

Events team: Jonathan (Chair), Andreas, Kjeld, Rasmus

Administration team: Lars, Jon, Jonathan

Lars continued as chairman and Jon was re-elected as treasurer.


Editorial team

The purpose of the editorial team is to manage our home page and mailings to the members. Ongoing communication to our members about our activities as well as other kinds of knowledge sharing is obviously important to the Battery Society.

This year Erik, Jon and Andreas have delivered a tremendous effort to ensure a monthly newsletter and regular content updates at the web page. It is now effortless for board members as well as ordinary members of DBS to contribute with content by emailing



The largest team is the events team. The following events were facilitated by DBS

9 May 2017: Discussion session at Miljøstyrelsen on batteries for EVs and grid storage, lifetime assessment and recycling with contributions from DBS members Bjarne Johnsen (DTI), Erik Schaltz (AAU), Jonathan Højberg (Haldor Topsoe A/S) and Jon Fold von Bülow (Haldor Topsoe A/S). It was agreed to follow up with an event focusing on recycling and second life for batteries. This has not been done yet. Participants: 20

29 June 2017: Discussion session on battery testing methods and equipment at DTI, Aarhus with contributions from DBS members Bjarne Johnsen and Kjeld Nørregaard (DTI), Martin Zacho (Schneider Electric) and Vaclav Knap and Erik Schaltz (AAU). Participants: 15.

1-3 November 2017: Nordic Battery Conference in Kokkola, Finland. DBS was part of the scientific committee and presentations were given by DBS members Anders Bentien (AU), Juan Maria Garcia Lastra (DTU) and Jonathan Højberg (Haldor Topsoe A/S). At the meeting it was announced that DBS will host the next Nordic Battery Conference in 2019 (25-27 September, 2019). Participants: 120.

30 November 2017: Conference on thermal and electrical energy storage at DTI, Aarhus. Participation and contribution by several members of DBS as well as politicians, advisors, researchers and companies. Participants: 120

15 January 2017: Workshop at Haldor Topsoe A/S to develop an in operando battery for the new DanMax beamline in Lund. Contributions were made by DBS members Dorthe Bomholdt Ravnsbæk (SDU), Daniel Risskov Sørensen (SDU), Kristoffer Visti Graae (Haldor Topsoe A/S) and Lars Fahl Lundegaard (Haldor Topsoe A/S) among others. Participants: 15.

7 March 2017: Danish Battery Symposium 2017 at DTI with three invited speakers and a wide number of talks and discussions. Participants: 75.

Looking into the new year, a number of event are already in the planning. This include two afternoon events on battery recycling and solid state electrolytes, respectively, a discussion session to follow up on the development of the in operando cell for the DanMax beamline and a battery safety seminar.



Aiming higher in the future

In 2017 the board has worked hard to reshape DBS to make it more attractive to companies. As part of this, DBS has initiated a collaboration with CLEAN and divided DBS into three sections: DBS Research, DBS Groups and DBS Industry. The ability to target different members through the different sections while maintaining close coordination between the different activities is expected to strengthen DBS and result in even more and relevant events for our members.

Constituting the relevant teams around each section and the coordination between the sections will be a key task of the board in 2018.

In 2017 we became the official organizer of Nordic battery conference 2019 (Nordbatt2019). The date is 25-27 September 2019 and the venue is the Technical University of Denmark. The planning has already started and we look very much forward to battery companies and research institutions from Northern Europe to Copenhagen.


Thank you.

Lars Barkler

Chairman of the Board

The Danish Battery Society.

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