
All events that we have announced

Lab tour at Danish Battery Symposium 2018

As part of the Danish Battery Symposium 2018, Danish Technical Institute (DTI) will invite all participants for a lab tour at their facilities in Taastrup. DTI is a 111 year old not-for-profit institution with more than 1000 employees divided into several locations. The battery laboratories and activities related to vehicle technology is located in Aarhus, …

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Talk: Design Guidelines for Safe, High Performing Li-ion Batteries with 18650 cells

As part of the focus on battery safety at the Danish Battery Symposium 2018, Dr. Eric C. Darcy from NASA will let us be inspired by the NASA space suit, where the astronaut must be able to survive and work even if a battery cell fails – NASA is using the same serial produced 18650 battery …

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Talk: VRFB vs “next generation” redox flow battery systems

Peter Fischer*, Jens Noack*, Jens Tübke* *Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology Joseph-von-Fraunhofer Straße 7, D-76327 Pfinztal/Germany Tel.: +49-721-4640-891 Fax: +49-721-4640-318 Vanadium flow batteries are widely acknowledged as long duration storage for stationary applications. Nevertheless, a huge variety of flow battery technologies have been published in literature during the last four years. In this talk …

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Talk: Hearing aid energy sources then, now and in the near future

The challenges in powering still more power hungry hearing aids with miniature energy sources, mainly batteries, are described by some history and examples. An overview of future technology for hearing aid energy sources is provided and examples are explained. Primary battery (non-rechargeable) technology like zinc air (ZnAir) and secondary technologies like nickel metal-hydride (NiMH), silver …

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Invitation to 2nd International Zinc-Air Battery Workshop (IZABW2) in Trondheim, Norway

Date: April 10th-12th 2018 Venue: Sparebank1 Conference Center, Trondheim, Norway Decentralized application of batteries in the low voltage end of distribution grids is expected to become an early business case following the dramatic increase in solar power installations seen all over Europe. Metal-air batteries are considered preferable with regards to energy density. Several metals have been …

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Nordbatt 2017, Kokkola, Finland – Conference MOM

Nordbatt 2017 presented a wide variety of battery activities in the Nordic countries. From Finland, several presentations were given by the mining industry, including Freeport Cobalt (10 % of world production of Cobalt), Boliden (Zinc plant and recycling of electronic scrap and lead-acid batteries) and Keliber (High purity Li2CO3). Among others, Freeport Cobalt showed their …

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Referat fra IEA ICP HEV møde i København og Wien

Der blev i starten af november afholdt et dansk orienteringsmøde om mulighederne for deltagelse i IEA HEV TCP (Hybrid Electric Vehicles) arbejdsgruppen i Energistyrelsens lokaler forud for møderne i Wien. Arbejdsgruppen har stor fokus på e-mobilitet og elektrisk transport. Dagsorden og Michael Rasks præsentation fra orienteringsmødet kan downloades her: IEA HEV EXCO DK infomeeting 2017 (3.2 …

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ERFA group meeting on 23. november 2017

The ERFA group BG-04 will hold a closed group meeting on the 23rd of November 2017 at GN Hearing in Ballerup. In addition to the standard agenda points there will be a special theme presentation by Kristian Oluf Sylvester-Hvid from TI, who will give an overview about recycling of batteries in Denmark. About the industrial …

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Avanceret energilagring 2017 – Termisk og elektrisk lagring

Energilagringskonference d. 30. november kl. 9:00 – 16:15 hos Teknologisk Institut i Århus Energilagring er mere aktuel end nogensinde! Teknologisk Institut holder nu for 5. gang konferencen ”Avanceret Energilagring”, som i år sætter fokus på termisk og elektrisk lagring samt lagringsteknologiernes markedsmuligheder. Konferencen arrangeres i år med en fælles formiddag, hvor der er fokus på de teknologiske …

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Stor opbakning til Danmarks nye Batteriklynge

Den 26. oktober 2017 var Dansk Batteriselskab en af initiativtagerne til et opstartsmøde til Danmarks nye batteriklynge i samarbejde med CLEAN. Målet er at engagere og samle danske virksomheder, som bruger batterier i deres produkter eller er leverandører af batterier eller relaterede komponenter i et branchefællesskab, hvor man med støtte fra DBS, vidensinstitutioner og myndigheder …

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