Storage of renewable energy is essential in order to create a new sustainable energy economy e.g. directly as electricity in a Li-battery or indirectly as hydrogen in a solid state metal hydride.1 Batteries are rechargeable but have moderate life time and limited energy storage capacity. Metal borohydrides can store considerable amounts of energy as hydrogen …
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Procrystal analysis for easy visualization of Li pathways
The search for novel crystalline materials for use as electrodes in battery materials is a lengthy and costly process. There is a great need for a fast evaluation tool to supplement already existing experimental and theoretical methods. In this talk, the procrystal analysis is introduced as a fast technique for pointing out promising candidates for …
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In-situ synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction
Our group has developed and successfully used an in-situ measurement setup for the study hydrothermal formation of nanoparticles under sub- and supercritical conditions. The presentation introduces details of the experimental setup as well as explaining each step of the data analysis. As an example of one of our experiment some preliminary results of a temperature …
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Kan batteridrift i elektriske tog helt eller delvist erstatte køreledninger?
Store investeringer til elektrificering af jernbaner kan muligvis spares ved i stedet at ”batterificere” tog. Teknisk set er batteridrift et interessant alternativ til en fuld elektrificering med køreledninger. Der har i over 100 år været batteridrift i Tyskland – frem til 1995. Det var med gamle, store og tunge blysyrebatterier. Ny batteriteknologi, der er udviklet …
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Chemical processes, their equivalent circuits and common pitfalls
Further elaboration on the equivalent circuits for EIS measurements and how they are linked to the chemical processes. Johan also explained some of the pitfalls of using equivalent circuits to model the impedance response, as it is always possible to construct an equivalent circuit with the right output characteristics, but that might not be a …
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General electrochemistry, equivalent circuit models and measurement techniques
Presentations on general electrochemistry such as electrode-electrolyte interfaces and basic electrochemical relations including the Nernst equations and the Butler-Volmer equation. Explaination of the background for equivalent circuit models and how the impedance response looks for these circuits in a Nyquist plot. To give a better understanding of EIS measurements a practical example is shown. General …
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Battery activities in Lithium Balance
The heart of any electric vehicle is a lithium-ion battery pack. The whole battery pack is managed in real time by a Battery Management System (BMS) – an electronic system that controls the battery pack allowing safe and reliable operation. The BMS provides overall management of the battery pack including over and under voltage protection, …
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Battery activities at Haldor Topsoe A/S
Haldor Topsoe A/S has a long history of being on the forefront of research and of being proactive regarding new technologies. Haldor Topsoe has of course been active on a large number of aspects regarding catalyst development, but also other types of research have reached far. Examples of this are the super conductor development, the …
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