Erik Schaltz

Associate Professor, Department of Energy Technology, Power Electronic Systems, AAU


Erik Schaltz received the MSc and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from the Department of Energy, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, in 2005 and 2010, respectively. From 2009 to 2012, he has been an Assistant Professor and since 2012, he has been an Associate Professor. Both positions also at the Department of Energy, Aalborg University. At the Department, he is the leader of the research group in E-mobility and Drives and the vice leader of the Batteries research group. He is a guest and associate editor in several journals related to batteries and e-mobility and he is also a board member of the Danish Battery Society. His research interests include the usage of power electronics, electric machines, fuel cells, batteries, ultracapacitors, etc. as power train in various applications like electric vehicles, industrial machinery, and heavy-duty systems. In addition, he is also focused on battery state-estimation, management (electric and thermal), and modelling (electric, thermal, and lifetime) of battery cells and packs.

Latest posts

  1. 2023.07.06 Generalforsamling — June 22, 2023
  2. 2023.04.13 Hybrid-seminar: EU’s batteriforordning – produktudvikling og affaldshåndtering på nye veje? — March 19, 2023
  3. 2022.12.01 Avanceret Energilagring 2022 — November 16, 2022
  4. 2022.11.16 Brainnovation Day 2022 — November 3, 2022
  5. 2022.10.26-28 Nordbatt 2022 — June 5, 2022

Author's posts

2018-09-24(till 26th) Conference on Circular Economy of Battery: Production and Recycling

CEB2018 covers topics such as raw materials, electrode materials, electrolyte, design and development, applications, collection and recycling for all batteries chemistries and all applications.  CONFERENCE VENUE LINDHOLMEN CONFERENCE CENTRE Lindholmen Science Park Lindholmspiren 5 417 56 Göteborg

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2018-10-23(till 26th) Industrial/PhD Course: Storage Systems based on Li-ion Batteries for Grid Support and Automotive Applications

The importance of the li-ion batteries is booming and after dominating portable electronics applications, they are entering into sectors like grid support, residential and electro-mobility applications. The penetration of renewables in the power system is considered to significantly increase in near future; thus, batteries can play a crucial role in the reliable and cost-efficient grid integration of intermittent …

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2018-10-31 Batterisystemer til solcelleanlæg mv

Batterier til energilagring er inde i en rivende udvikling, og begynder også herhjemme at blive koblet sammen med solcelleanlæg. Dette kursus henvender sig til installatører, systemudviklere og forhandlere af solcelleanlæg, som ønsker en viden om, hvordan batterier fungerer i forbindelse med solceller og hvordan de kan dimensioneres. Teknologisk Institut i Tåstrup afholder kurset d. 31. …

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Accelerated reported battery capacity loss in 30 kWh variants of the Nissan Leaf

In a new study, 283 Nissan Leafs manufactured between 2011 and 2017 have been analyzed with respect to the battery capacity fade. The authors of the investigation conclude, that a faster rate of decline in the state-of-health (SoH) for the 30 kWh variants over the 24 kWh variants is detected. Some of the 30 kWh …

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Nye og gamle kræfter i bestyrelsen

Umiddelbart efter årsmødet i Dansk Batteriselskab d. 7. marts 2018 hos Teknologisk Institut Tåstrup, blev der afholdt generalforsamling i Dansk Batteriselskab. I år har vi derfor fornøjelsen af at byde Claus Meineche (CLEAN) samt Roar Hestbek Nicolaisen (Department of Engineering,  Aarhus University) velkommen i bestyrelsen. Følgende udtræder af bestyrelsen: Andreas Elkjær Christensen (Lithium Balance) samt Rasmus Sass Bjørch …

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Deltagerrekord til Dansk Batteriselskabs årsmøde

Dansk Batteriselskab afholdt årsmøde d. 7. marts 2018 med rekord deltagerantal – 77 tilmeldte. Det var Teknologisk Institut i Tåstrup, der lagde lokaler til. En stor tak skal derfor lyde til “batterifolkene” hos Teknologisk Institut for en utroligt vellykket dag, hvor alt det praktiske klappede og engagerede medarbejdere fortalte om de batteri relaterede projekter og laboratorier. …

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En af verdens største batterifabrikker bygges i Sverige

NEVS – elbilproducenten, der har overtaget resterne af Saabs bilvirksomhed, etablerer batterifabrik på området ved den gamle Saab-fabrik i Trollhättan sammen med sin kinesiske partner, GSR Capital. Målet er at blive en af verdens største, skriver Dagens Industri. NEVS startede en serieproduktion af sin første bil, NEVS 9-3, i Kina i december 2017. Bilen er i …

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Temamøde om transport af lithiumbatterier (8. maj 2018)

Teknologisk Institut afholder i samarbejde med DBS Industry temamøde om transport af lithium batterier og produkter indeholdende lithium batterier i Aarhus d. 8. maj 2018. Dette temamøde giver viden om, hvilke krav der stilles til test og dokumentation for at kunne transportere litium-baserede batterier og -produkter uden for egen virksomhed. Litium og litium-ion batterier anses for …

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2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV Battery Disassembly

The battery packs of most modern electric cars are far different than those in your mobile phone or other portable devices. In most cases, they include hundreds or thousands of cells, arranged into modules, and usually surrounded by channels containing liquid coolant to keep the battery in its desired temperature range. Now a new video …

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Energilagring i Danmark – perspektiver og muligheder

ATV inviterer hermed til endnu et spændende gå-hjem møde om energilagring – denne gang mere bredt om perspektiver og muligheder for energilagring i Danmark. Mødet holdes den 21. marts 2018 kl. 15.00-18.00 på DTU, bygning 101, lokale S01, stuen. Målet for Danmarks langsigtede energipolitik er at blive uafhængig af kul, olie og gas i 2050 og dermed både sikre …

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