En af verdens største batterifabrikker bygges i Sverige
NEVS – elbilproducenten, der har overtaget resterne af Saabs bilvirksomhed, etablerer batterifabrik på området ved den gamle Saab-fabrik i Trollhättan sammen med sin kinesiske partner, GSR Capital. Målet er at blive en af verdens største, skriver Dagens Industri.
NEVS startede en serieproduktion af sin første bil, NEVS 9-3, i Kina i december 2017. Bilen er i bund og grund en elektrisk udgave af den gamle Saab 9-3.
Denne bil skal kun sælges i Kina, men ifølge det svenske medie Ny Teknik er der tale om at begynde en produktion af elbiler i Trollhättan allerede hen mod slutningen af 2018.
Læs hele artiklen på Ingeniøren.
Erik Schaltz
Erik Schaltz received the MSc and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from the Department of Energy, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, in 2005 and 2010, respectively. From 2009 to 2012, he has been an Assistant Professor and since 2012, he has been an Associate Professor. Both positions also at the Department of Energy, Aalborg University. At the Department, he is the leader of the research group in E-mobility and Drives and the vice leader of the Batteries research group. He is a guest and associate editor in several journals related to batteries and e-mobility and he is also a board member of the Danish Battery Society. His research interests include the usage of power electronics, electric machines, fuel cells, batteries, ultracapacitors, etc. as power train in various applications like electric vehicles, industrial machinery, and heavy-duty systems. In addition, he is also focused on battery state-estimation, management (electric and thermal), and modelling (electric, thermal, and lifetime) of battery cells and packs.
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