World first application of LiO (Lithium Air) in a vehicle.

As a demonstration in Andreas Christensen PhD. thesis on the subject “Management of Lithium Air batteries”. The demonstration was done with a Lithium balance BMS prototype, that could manage the LiO battery and make the vehicle run on an electric circuit. Andreas Christensen says: ” It’ a 16 cell Li-air 2P8S configuration of button cells. …

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Workshops on battery safety, IEA TCP on HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicles) and the US Battery Safety Council

December 13th -14th, 2016, College Park, Maryland  January 12th  –13th , 2017 Washington, DC Please see attached information: .announcement-internal-short-circuit-discussion-nov-15 Here are some of the topics for January that were discussed earlier this year.  The exact agenda is still being developed.   1.        Causes for internal shorts; the intent of this forum is to educate communities that do not have …

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Thermal Management for EV/HEV

Solutions for smart thermal energy distribution, fast charging and battery’s thermal management improvement.   We are invited to join the 6th International Conference on Thermal Management for EV/HEV happening this 14-16 February 2017 Berlin, Germany. Please see the attached agenda.Experts from Daimler, Mahle, Webasto, Skoda, VDL and many more will these major focus points: Expert …

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Overcoming Thermal Challenges in Charging Systems for PHEV

Manufacturers in the passenger and commercial vehicle sector are coming up with their own electric vehicles models. Major OEMs are constantly developing new ways to make electric vehicles and hybrids more competitive and to increase customer’s acceptance. How will their solutions and developments impact the market? What are the current innovations and solutions to charging …

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Skal vi væk fra udskiftelige batterier i gadgets?

Miseren med den selvantændelige Galaxy Note 7 kunne helt have været undgået, hvis Samsung stadig havde brugt udskiftelige batterier i sine mobiltelefoner, lyder det. Niks, så simpelt er det ingenlunde, siger formanden for Dansk Batteriselskab.

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Danish Battery Symposium 2017

The annual symposium in the Danish Battery Society is hosted by SDU and focus on current and future battery activities in Denmark with updates from research and industry. The sign-up, agenda and further details are found here. We look forward to see you in Odense! – Danish Battery Society

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Advanced Energy Storage 2016

Danmark Teknologiske Institut inviterer til at deltage i den årlige konference ”Avanceret energilagring”, som i år sætter termisk og elektrisk lagring på dagsordenen. Formål Du får den nyeste viden om energilagringens rolle i’s fremtidsscenarier til 2030 og fjernvarmens rolle som termisk lager for fluktuerende VE-produktion Du hører om praktiske erfaringer fra store og små …

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Gå hjem møde om batterier og energilagring

ATV vil gerne invitere til et gå-hjem møde om batterier og energilagring. Mødet holdes den 5. december kl. 15-18 på DTU, bygning 101, lokale S02, stuen Program for de to første timer I de første to timer vil vi bede tre eksperter gøre os klogere på batterier, deres virke, materialer, systemer og styring: Velkomst Tejs …

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EIS Workshop

Location DTU Lyngby, Bygning 101, lokale S14 Time 24/10 2016 kl. 12.30-16 About the workshop It is our pleasure to invite all members of DBS to a seminar on impedance spectroscopy. The seminar is arranged in accordance with the action points established during the annual DBS meeting in the in Working Group 2: Electronic and …

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Energy storage – Solutions to store solar and wind energy

How can we store energy? What do we do with surplus electricity from wind turbines? Conversion to methane gas and lithium batteries may be some of the answers. IDA mechanical is arranging a theme night on the subject of energy storage of renewable energy. The talks will be in danish and the information page and …

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