Update 2022.03.08: Most presentations of the symposium available on the website of the symposium: http://batteriselskab.dk/danish-battery-symposium-2022 The Danish Battery Symposium (Årssymposium) and General Assembly 2022 of the Danish Battery Society will take place on the 3rd of March 2022 at the Danish Technological Institute in Aarhus. However, online participation is also possible.
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2022-03-03-danish-battery-symposium-2022.htm
2021.03.23 Danish Battery Symposium 2021
Update: Presentations from the Danish Battery Symposium 2021 available: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11q4QsRC6-Hu0hFWwgH2_phXsmXrnwTJs?usp=sharing The Danish Battery Symposium (Årssymposium) and General Assembly 2021 of the Danish Battery Society will take place on the 23rd of March 2021. Due to the covid-19 situation, the meetings will be organized as online events. Read more about the event, program, and speakers and …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2021-03-11-danish-battery-symposium-2021.htm
2020.03.12 Årsmøde i Dansk Batteriselskab
Dansk Batteriselskab inviterer til det 8. årsmøde på DTU i Lyngby den 12. marts 2020. Hele dagen er åben for alle, som ønsker input omkring fremtidens batteriteknologier, energilagring og genanvendelse. Desuden bliver der rig mulighed for networking blandt anvendere og udviklere af batterisystemer i virksomheder og batterispecialister. Det faglige fokus er i år på: Batteriteknologier …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2020-03-12-arsmode-i-dansk-batteriselskab.htm
Referat af årsmødet i Dansk Batteriselskab 2019
Tirsdag d. 12. marts 2019 blev det 7. årsmøde i Dansk Batteriselskab, DBS Symposium 2019, afholdt . Afdelingen for ’Biological and Chemical Engineering’ ved Århus Universitet var vært for arrangementet, der i år havde særligt fokus på flow batterier. Roar Hestbek Nicolaisen, bestyrelsesmedlem i Dansk Batteriselskab, guidede de ca. 50 deltagere sikkert gennem dagens program. …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/referater/referat-af-arsmodet-i-dansk-batteriselskab-2019.htm
Videos of the four invited speakers at DBS 2019
The videos are uploaded in GoToWebinar, which through the link requires the name and email address to then quickly launch. Enjoy! Economic and environmental assessment of vanadium redox flow batteriesChristine Minke, Research Associate, Energy Research Center, Technische Universität Clausthal Link to the presentation video Organic-Based Aqueous Flow BatteriesMichael J. Aziz, Professor, Center for the Environment, Harvard …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/videos-of-the-four-invited-speakers-at-dbs-2019.htm
Talk: Promises, Problems and Proof-of-Concept for Ca and Al Batteries
When the World Economic Forum in 2016 made a ranking of the Top 10 Emerging Technologies thenNext Generation Batteries grabbed a prestigious runner-up spot, second only to Internet of Things. The big picture is that both IoT and NGBs undoubtedly will play an important role in our everyday life – but also that each prospective …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/praesentationer/talk-promises-problems-and-proof-of-concept-for-ca-and-al-batteries.htm
Talk: Organic-Based Aqueous Flow Batteries for Stationary Storage
The intermittancy of renewable energy sources would couple well with large scale energy storage to maintain the current flexibility on the energy grid. This presentation explores the organic aqueous flow battery technology of which Michael is a co-inventor. Using inexpensive organic compunds in batteries, may be the price cut needed, for stationary energy to gain wide …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/praesentationer/talk-organic-based-aqueous-flow-batteries-for-stationary-storage.htm
Talk: Smart Cloud Control of Battery Energy Storage Systems
Director Lars Kruse from the Lithium Balance will be presenting at the Danish Battery Symposium 2019. The presentation explores a system approach for increased customer return and efficient maintenance. Which is implemented through a smart cloud based solution where all data is collected centrally, analyzed and then used for smart forecasting of optimal charge scheduling and predictive …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/praesentationer/talk-smart-cloud-control-of-battery-energy-storage-systems.htm
Talk: Economic and environmental assessment of vanadium redox flow batteries
As part of the focus on redox flow batteries at the Danish Battery Symposium 2019, Dr. Christine Minke MBA from the Energy Research Center at the Technische Universität Clausthal will give us an insight in to the Economics and the environmental impact of vanadium redox flow batteries let us be inspired In addition to this talk, …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/praesentationer/talk-economic-and-environmental-assessment-of-vanadium-redox-flow-batteries.htm
2019-03-12 Danish Battery Symposium 2019
The annual symposium in the Danish Battery Society is hosted by Aarhus University’s Department of Chemical Engineering and focus on current and future battery activities in Denmark with updates from research and industry. It will take place on Tuesday, 12th of March 2019. Please follow the link below for further information regarding programme, registration, General Assembly, …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/danish-battery-symposium-2019.htm