Christine Minke

Research Associate


Dr. Christine Minke MBA has expertise in techno-economic and life cycle assessment of energy storage technologies. As a researcher at the Research Center Energy Storage Technologies, Clausthal University, her focus is on electrochemical conversion, i.e. redox flow batteries and hydrogen technologies. She has a master’s and doctorate degree from Clausthal University of Technology/Germany and obtained an MBA at Collège des Ingénieurs Paris/France. Since 2015 she is a lecturer for process engineering and life cycle assessment. Since 2018 Christine Minke is a member of the Association of German Engineers’ (VDI) Technical Committee Energy Storage.

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  1. Talk: Economic and environmental assessment of vanadium redox flow batteries — January 22, 2019

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Talk: Economic and environmental assessment of vanadium redox flow batteries

As part of the focus on redox flow batteries at the Danish Battery Symposium 2019, Dr. Christine Minke MBA from the Energy Research Center at the Technische Universität Clausthal will give us an insight in to the Economics and the environmental impact of vanadium redox flow batteries let us be inspired  In addition to this talk, …

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