General Assembly DTI CPH, March 7th, 2018 Constitution of the new board After the General Assembly in 2017 we could welcome three new board members: Erik Schaltz (Associate professor, Aalborg University), Poul Norby (Professor, DTU Energy) and Per Jørgensen Møller (Chairman, BG-04). Based on the good experience from 2016 it was agreed to continue …
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Deltagerrekord til Dansk Batteriselskabs årsmøde
Dansk Batteriselskab afholdt årsmøde d. 7. marts 2018 med rekord deltagerantal – 77 tilmeldte. Det var Teknologisk Institut i Tåstrup, der lagde lokaler til. En stor tak skal derfor lyde til “batterifolkene” hos Teknologisk Institut for en utroligt vellykket dag, hvor alt det praktiske klappede og engagerede medarbejdere fortalte om de batteri relaterede projekter og laboratorier. …
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Redox flow batteries at Danish Battery Symposium 2018
At the Danish Battery Symposium 2018 we will put significant focus on redox-flow batteries that due to the inherent independent scalability of the power and energy is of particular interest for large scale storage of energy. We have invited group leader of the Redox Flow Battery Group at Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology Dr. Peter …
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Battery safety at Danish Battery Symposium 2018
Battery safety is a challenge in the industry and we have chosen to focus on this at the Danish Battery Symposium 2018 (Danish post below). In the morning sessions we will be inspired by the NASA space suit, where the astronaut must be able to survive and work even if a battery cell fails – NASA …
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Battery applications at Danish Battery Symposium 2018
At the Danish Battery Symposium 2018 we will put focus on sharing experiences within application of batteries. This is an area that has had increased focus from DBS in recent years with the integration of the ERFA group BG-04 (more info in Danish below). This year we have invited Kim Rasmussen from GN Hearing to …
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Lab tour at Danish Battery Symposium 2018
As part of the Danish Battery Symposium 2018, Danish Technical Institute (DTI) will invite all participants for a lab tour at their facilities in Taastrup. DTI is a 111 year old not-for-profit institution with more than 1000 employees divided into several locations. The battery laboratories and activities related to vehicle technology is located in Aarhus, …
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Talk: Design Guidelines for Safe, High Performing Li-ion Batteries with 18650 cells
As part of the focus on battery safety at the Danish Battery Symposium 2018, Dr. Eric C. Darcy from NASA will let us be inspired by the NASA space suit, where the astronaut must be able to survive and work even if a battery cell fails – NASA is using the same serial produced 18650 battery …
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Talk: VRFB vs “next generation” redox flow battery systems
Peter Fischer*, Jens Noack*, Jens Tübke* *Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology Joseph-von-Fraunhofer Straße 7, D-76327 Pfinztal/Germany Tel.: +49-721-4640-891 Fax: +49-721-4640-318 Vanadium flow batteries are widely acknowledged as long duration storage for stationary applications. Nevertheless, a huge variety of flow battery technologies have been published in literature during the last four years. In this talk …
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