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Lithium Balance har netop landet en af de første store ordrer

En af vores vores medlemsvirksomheder, Lithium Balance med 45 medarbejdere i Smørum, har lige landet en kontrakt på 350 mio. kr. med en af de største motorcykelproducenter i Indien! “Denne her ordre betyder rigtig meget for os. Den giver os mulighed for at forfølge vores vision om at blive en dominerende spiller i det her …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/lithium-balance-har-netop-landet-en-af-de-forste-store-ordrer.htm

A Lithium Balance BMS has been awarded ISO 26262 certification

Lithium Balance received the ISO 26262 ASIL C functional safety certificate from TÜV SÜD on a customized BMS, which is developed for leading EV SUV OEMs in China. With more than 50 man-years invested from Lithium Balance into the development, it is a remarkable achievement, the result of the combined efforts of the Lithium Balance …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/a-lithium-balance-bms-has-been-awarded-iso-26262-certification.htm

2020.12.01 Webinar om Avanceret Energilagring – elektrisk lagring

Årets konference om Avanceret Energilagring bliver pga. Covid-19-situationen afholdt som to selvstændige webinarer – henholdsvis om termisk lagring og elektrisk lagring. Ved webinaret om elektrisk lagring den 1. december sætter vi fokus på energilagring i fremtidens fleksible energisystem. Hvordan bidrager store varmepumper til elektrificering og fleksibilitet i fjernvarme og industri, hvilke nye teknologier er på …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2020-12-01-webinar-om-avanceret-energilagring-2.htm

Materials available from Webinar: Correlative Imaging of Battery Heterogeneities – ionic transport, electronic structure and chemistry

On the 15th of June 2020, Jigang Zhou, Industrial Senior Scientist, Canadian Light Source Inc., Canada, gave a webinar on ‘Correlative Imaging of Battery Heterogeneities: ionic transport, electronic structure and chemistry’. You can see the presentation of the webinar here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lW5_RgQgmRbJaJKNK2w0L-3x9CDTn3Oy/view?usp=sharing You can watch the recorded webinar here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/7257378583347061505 Co-organiser:

Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/materials-available-webinar-correlative-imaging-of-battery-heterogeneities.htm

Materials available from Webinar: Making research a reality – The road to commercialisation of Prussian blue based sodium ion batteries

On the 25th of May 2020, Dr William Brant, Department of Chemistry-Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, Sweden, and Altris AB, Uppsala, Sweden, gave a webinar on ‘Making research a reality: The road to commercialisation of Prussian blue based sodium ion batteries’. You can see the presentation of the webinar here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lW5_RgQgmRbJaJKNK2w0L-3x9CDTn3Oy/view?usp=sharing You can watch the recorded …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/materials-available-webinar-na-ion-batteries.htm

2020.06.15 Webinar: Correlative Imaging of Battery Heterogeneities – ionic transport, electronic structure and chemistry

Webinar on ‘Correlative Imaging of Battery Heterogeneities: ionic transport, electronic structure and chemistry’. Presenter: Jigang Zhou PhD, Industrial Senior Scientist, Canadian Light Source Inc., Canada  Language: English Date and time: 15th of June 2020, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM CEST Abstract: Deeper understanding of the heterogeneities, an intrinsic characteristic in batteries, including ionic transport, and …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2020-06-15-webinar-advanced-characterisation-of-li-ion-batteries.htm

2020.05.25 Webinar: Making research a reality – The road to commercialisation of Prussian blue based sodium ion batteries

Webinar on ‘Making research a reality: The road to commercialisation of Prussian blue based sodium ion batteries’ Presenter: Dr William Brant, Department of Chemistry-Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, Sweden, and Altris AB, Uppsala, Sweden Language: English Duration: approx. 25 minutes Date and time: 25th of May 2020, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM CEST Abstract The spin-off …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2020-05-25-webinar-na-ion-batteries.htm

Update on cancelled Symposium and postponed General Assembly

With the epidemic countermeasures implemented by the Danish authorities Wednesday evening, we now know for sure that it was the right decision to cancel the Danish Battery Symposium 2020. The Board of the Danish Battery Society has now agreed on how we shall proceed and will implement the following: The participation fee for the Symposium …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/nyhedsbreve/update-on-cancelled-symposium-and-postponed-general-assembly.htm

Test af brandsikkerhed

Teknologisk Institut er blev akkrediteret af DANAK til at foretage test af brandsikkerhed iht. EN62619. Stigende krav til batterisikkerhed gør det nødvendigt at foretage forskellige sikkerhedstests. Instituttet tester nu beskyttelse mod udbredelse af såkaldt termisk runaway – også kaldet propagation test. Termisk runaway betegner de elektriske og især kemiske processer i battericellerne, der resulterer i …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/test-af-brandsikkerhed.htm

Konklusioner fra konferencen Avanceret Energilagring 2019

Teknologisk Institut bød 28. november den danske energibranche indenfor til konferencen Avanceret Energilagring. Det blev en spændende dag om fremtidens energisystem, og hvordan vi lagrer vedvarende energi. Scenen blev sat af Teknologisk Institut og Energinet, som begge tog fat omkring det emne som alle taler om – nemlig hvordan vi når 70 % CO2 reduktion i …

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Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/nyheder/konklusioner-fra-konferencen-avanceret-energilagring-2019.htm

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