Update: The battery seminar has been re-scheduled to December and the program has been changed slightly. Shmuel De Leon Energy (SDLE) and Lithium Balance A/S want to repeat the last year success and organize yet another battery technology seminar for professionals from December 8-9th 2015, in Copenhagen. Read more about the seminar in the invitation. The …
Eksterne arrangementer
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/invitation-to-battery-seminar-august-the-31st-to-september-the-1st-2015.htm
Annual Meeting of the Danish Electrochemical Society
The Danish Electrochemical Society (DEF) is organising an annual two day conference on “Electrochemical Science and Technology”. The meeting will cover a wide range of talks within electrochemistry and present four invited speakers focusing on electrocatalysis and photoelectrocatalysis. The ambition of the conference is to foster an interdisciplinary interaction between students, researchers and industry professionals working in the broad area …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/annual-meeting-of-the-danish-electrochemical-society.htm
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/phd-course-storage-systems-based-on-li-ion-batteries-for-grid-support-and-automotive-applications-2.htm
STFC Batteries annual network meeting
STFC Global Challenge Network in Batteries and Electrochemical Energy Devices are having their annual network meeting on 30th June – 1st July in Abingdon just south of Oxford, UK. The meeting will include key note speeches on current research challenges in batteries, fuel cells and hydrogen storage, as well as presentations on the latest development …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/stfc-batteries-annual-network-meeting.htm
Besøg hos Tesla Motors i Danmark
IDA Mechanical København har arrangeret et besøg hos Tesla Motors, nærmere bestemt i Tesla’s Servicecenter i Kastrup. Kom og hør Tesla’s danske salgs-, service- og ingeniørmedarbejdere fortælle om virksomheden og produkterne. Besøget vil indeholde et foredrag som giver opdateret viden om Tesla’s elbil-koncept, herunder elmotor, batteri og rækkevidde, standarder for ladestik, hurtigladning samt service. Desuden vil vi …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/besog-hos-tesla-motors-i-danmark.htm
First Electric Car on the Dakar Rally Raid
In 2014 Quionne was hired by Acciona, the project sponsor, to develop the first electric car on the Dakar rally raid. In his Guest Lecture, Marcos Rupérez Cerqueda, founder and CEO of Quionne and former student of the Department of Energy Technology, will elaborate on the design and assembly of the electric drive train, logistics during the race and …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/first-electric-car-on-the-dakar-rally-raid.htm
Talk on recent advances in in-situ TEM on electrochemical systems
On Wednesday, 10 December 4.30pm – 6.30pm, Kristian Mølhave from DTU Nanotech is giving the talk The electrochemists’ wish list for getting a clear view to nanoscale processes The talk adresses the impressive recent advances in the possibilities for imaging processes in liquids with electron microscopes, as well as an update on the work at …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/praesentationer/talk-on-recent-advances-in-in-situ-tem-on-electrochemical-systems.htm
Driving Green ’14
Driving Green is a the biggest event in Denmark for sustainable and efficient road transport. The trade fair is held on the 27th and the 28th of August 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark, with a wide range of both public and private partners. Driving Green brings together communities from across diverse sectors to learn, share, innovate, …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/driving-green-14.htm
Seminar on Batteries and Fuel Cells at Lithium Balance, 29-30 October 2014
Lithium Balance is hosting a seminar on Batteries and Fuel Cells organised by Shmuel De-Leon. With special focus on battery design and testing aspects, the seminar program covers present and future needs of portable and stationary electrochemical energy sources and highlights the latest technological developments designed to satisfy application requirements. The seminar program reviews primary, …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/seminar-on-batteries-and-fuel-cells-at-lithium-balance.htm
UM14 – Nordic X-Ray Science Days
Dear colleagues, It is our pleasure to announce the 27th Annual MAX IV Laboratory User Meeting (UM14). The user meeting is traditionally organized in close collaboration with FASM. This year we are proud to announce that we have been able to extend the scope of the meeting to become: Nordic X-ray Science Days 29 September …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/um14-nordic-x-ray-science-days.htm