
Check out all our images taken in connection with events within the Danish Battery Society.

Deltagerrekord til Dansk Batteriselskabs årsmøde

Dansk Batteriselskab afholdt årsmøde d. 7. marts 2018 med rekord deltagerantal – 77 tilmeldte. Det var Teknologisk Institut i Tåstrup, der lagde lokaler til. En stor tak skal derfor lyde til “batterifolkene” hos Teknologisk Institut for en utroligt vellykket dag, hvor alt det praktiske klappede og engagerede medarbejdere fortalte om de batteri relaterede projekter og laboratorier. …

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Stor opbakning til Danmarks nye Batteriklynge

Den 26. oktober 2017 var Dansk Batteriselskab en af initiativtagerne til et opstartsmøde til Danmarks nye batteriklynge i samarbejde med CLEAN. Målet er at engagere og samle danske virksomheder, som bruger batterier i deres produkter eller er leverandører af batterier eller relaterede komponenter i et branchefællesskab, hvor man med støtte fra DBS, vidensinstitutioner og myndigheder …

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A few pictures from DBS 2017

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Images from Danish Battery Symposium 2015

The Danish Battery Symposium 2015 was very well received by participants as well as speakers and exhibitors. We had a good turn-out similar to last years symposium, with around 60 participants at the meeting and more than half joined together for a delicious (but slow) dinner at SanGiovanni La Cantina i Aalborg. The presentations from the …

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Recap of public talk on emerging battery technologies

The public talk on emerging battery technologies at IDA (The Danish Society of Engineers) included invited speakers from the two british start-up within emerging batteries: Faradion Ltd. and Oxis Energy Ltd. Click here to follow the link to presentations The program started with a short introduction by both IDA and DBS representatives and a historical overview of battery developments and …

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Images from Danish Battery Symposium 2014

The Danish Battery Symposium 2014 was very well received by participants as well as speakers. The general feedback was that the amount of academic research results versus topics of common interest seemed to be well balanced. In the end, 35 participants joined together for a delicious dinner at Meyers in Kgs. Lyngby.  

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Danish newspaper articles on electric trains


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Images from the founding meeting 2013

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