Dansk Batteriselskab inviterer medlemmer til et virtuelt dialogmøde til udveksling af erfaringer med temaet: Optimal lagring af lithium batterier Torsdag d. 24. september 2020kl 15.00 – 16.20 (CET) Temaet tages op efter diskussion på DBS webinaret med Shmuel 19. august. Flere deltagere var uenige i Shmuels anbefalinger fra batteriproducenter angående State of Charge under lagring …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/2020-09-24-virtuelt-dialogmode-om-optimal-lagring-af-batterier.htm
On Demand Webinar from Parker LORD
The Right Amount of Force: Reworkability of Gap Fillers in EV Battery Packs The webinar is available on demand (whenever you want to see it) through the link below: https://www.lord.com/event/webinar-rework-ability-of-gap-fillers-in-ev-battery-packs Introduction The fast-growing electric vehicle market demands robust and efficient thermal management solutions for battery packs, such as gap fillers and thermal pads. Gap fillers …
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/on-demand-webinar-from-parker-lord.htm
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