Optimized integration of energy storage solutions
The talk will include the following topics:
- Introduction of energy storage solutions within the Bosch group.
- Overview about the service offering and reference projects.
- Using storage in a more intelligent way through clever software.
- Enabling forecasting methods to plan storage usage with the most benefit to the given application.
- Results of the first reference customer project using this software.

You can also see some of Bosch’s solutions here http://boschenergystoragesolutions.com/en/nba/solutions/power_storage/power_storage_solutions
Kevin Schimschar
Kevin Schimschar is responsible for the sales of stationary energy storage solutions at Robert Bosch GmbH.
After graduating in business administration and engineering (Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. (FH)), he started his professional career in the field of photovoltaic products at ersol Thin Film GmbH in Erfurt, Thuringia. He was responsible in particular for the development of an international customer network for thin film modules as well as for the operative order processing.
After the acquisition by Robert Bosch GmbH in 2009, he established the international sales of new products and an extended offering for photovoltaic systems. In the course of this development he took over the responsibility for the worldwide sales of inverters and storage solutions.
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