Networking event på vandet
Please sign up before Wednesday the 29th of July!
Dear Members,
In a true summer spirit, we organize a pleasant afternoon on the water in the Copenhagen harbor on Wednesday the 5th of August 2015 (from 17-19), where we’re going to sail in small electric boats. The boats can accommodate 8 people and is controlled by a small electric motor with us as captains!
Before sailing out, GoBoat will tell about their choice of batteries for their boats and comment on the advantages and challenges they have had so far of this election.
We expect to eat something on the water, but it is up to the you whether you want to take part in the goodies. The boat trip costs about 100, – and the food is approximately the same amount. It is possible to register for the event below.
We look forward to seeing you,
Jonathan and Jon
– On behalf of the DBS |
Kære medlemmer,
Vi arrangerer i sommerens ånd en hyggelig eftermiddag på vandet i Københavns Havn onsdag d. 5. august (kl 17-19), hvor vi skal ud og sejle i små elektriske både. Bådene har plads til 8 personer og styres af en lille elektrisk motor med os som kaptajner.
Inden vi sejler ud, vil GoBoat fortælle lidt om deres valg af batterier til bådene og om hvilke fordele og problemer de har haft indtil videre i forbindelse med dette valg.
Vi regner med at spise noget mad på vandet, men det er op til den enkelte om man vil have del i godterne. Bådturen koster ca. 100,- og maden det samme. Det er muligt at tilmelde sig arrangementet herunder.
Vi ser frem til at se jer,
Jonathan og Jon
– på vegne af DBS |
Signup for the networking event
Jon Fold von Bülow
Jon Fold von Bülow recieved his Cand. Scient. in Nanoscience from University of Copenhagen in 2011 and is currently working with upscaling Li- and Na-ion battery materials to the 100+ kg scale for Haldor Topsøe A/S.
Jon's main interest lies in energy technologies for the future and he started working with fusion energy at Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy. He has since developed a growing interest in technologies that are closer to potential industrial application. He is a highly dedicated academic as well as a very active professional and have initiated and participated in many different projects.
His studies within nanotechnological material science and affiliation with Risø National Laboratories has taken him to Germany, China and the US, where he has collaborated independently with several international research groups. He has so far succeeded in pushing two academic projects to industrial application, first with the Danish company Coloplast A/S and recently with a California-based battery start-up – an invention that is currently being US patented.
Jon has conducted most of his work on Li-batteries in the facilities of California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) as a research scholar at UCSB-MIT-Caltech Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies (ICB). The manganese based cathode materials he fabricated during this period were all tuned for high-power applications and covers synthesis of various manganese oxides from solution, molten and solid states.
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