17 results for Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX)

Maciej Swierczynski

…er Engineering for Industrial Applications and from Aalborg University, Denmark in 2009 in Power Electronics and Drives. In 2012, he received the Ph.D. degree from Aalborg University, Denmark (PhD thesis: Lithium ion battery energy storage system for augmented wind power plants). He is a co-author and co-presenter of “Industrial/PhD course Storage Systems Based on Li-Ion Batteries for Stationary Applications”. His area of research is in energy

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Yedilfana Setarge Mekonnen

I graduated in physical chemistry M.Sc. from Addis baba University in 2011. Currently, am a PhD student at DTU Energy Conversion

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Roberto Scipioni

Roberto Scipioni studied Industrial Chemistry at Sapienza University of Rome and got his Master of Science in 2012. He is currently a Ph.D. student at Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in the Energy Conversion and Storage division and his research is focused on the investigation of performance and lifetime limiting effects in Li-ion batteries.

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Simon Loftager

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Supti Das

…ry/ electrochemistry from IISc, Bangalore, India. The overall goal of my research was to understand ion transport mechanism in succinonitrile based soft matter plastic crystalline electrolytes in Li-ion battery. Besides these fundamental studies, I have worked on liquid electrolytes and ionic liquids useful for lithium battery application. Afterwards I have worked in Aarhus university on solid electrolytes. Now I have joined in DTU energy

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Václav Knap

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Mie Møller Storm

…SEM. To further understand the processes inside the Li-air battery an In situ battery for syncrotron XRD has also been developed. |||| Commencement year:…

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