Lab tour at Danish Battery Symposium 2018

As part of the Danish Battery Symposium 2018, Danish Technical Institute (DTI) will invite all participants for a lab tour at their facilities in Taastrup.

DTI is a 111 year old not-for-profit institution with more than 1000 employees divided into several locations. The battery laboratories and activities related to vehicle technology is located in Aarhus, but activities related to efficient energy  are also found in Taastrup, among others related to the Energy Flex House.

At the lab tour, Lithium Balance and DTI would like to show a testsetup from a joined project with a private storage battery, photo voltaic cells and a heating pump. This is located in the Energy Flex House – DTIs test facility to test residential energy solutions. It is possible to hear about the research project, the test setup and thoughts on benchmarking battery storage facilities.

The tour will also include the photo voltaic laboratory, activities on extending the range of drones and battery cycle life – especially handling of used batteries.

In Danish:
Teknologisk Institut inviterer på en lille frisk laboratorie gåtur, som en del af DBS Symposium 2018 programmet 7. Marts.
Teknologisk Institut er en 111 år gammel privat not-for-profit virksomhed med over 1000 ansatte fordelt på flere lokationer. Batterilaboratorierne og køretøjsteknologi er placeret hos afdelingen i Aarhus, men der arbejdes også med effektiv energi hos Instituttet i Taastrup, bl.a. i forbindelse med forsøgshuse.
Lithium Balance og Teknologisk Institut vil gerne fremvise en testopstilling fra et fælles projekt med husstandsbatteri, solcelleanlæg og varmepumpe – dette forgår i Teknologisk Instituts forsøgshus Energy Flex House. Her kan man se og høre om forskningsprojektet, testopstillingen samt om, hvorledes man nemmere sammenligner batterianlæg.
Gåturen går naturligt gennem laboratoriet for solpanel-test og forbi information om bl.a. rækkeviddeforøgelse af dronebatterier samt batteriers livscyklus før og især efter applikationen.

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