Danish Battery Symposium 2020
at DTU in Lyngby, Thursday, 12th of March 2020 from 9:00 to 17:00
09:00 Registration and coffee
- 09:30 Session 1: Invited talks
- 12:10 Lunch
- 13:00 Session 2: Breakout session
- 15:00 Session 3: Invited talk and member pitches
- 16:45 Session 4: Refreshments, posters and networking
- 17:00 General meeting
- 18:00 Dinner
09:00 Registration and coffee
09:30 Welcome and introduction to the agenda
Poul Norby, Danish Battery Society
09:45 Correlative Imaging of Battery Heterogeneities: ionic transport, electronic structure and chemistry
Jigang Zhou, Canadian Light Source
10:30 New developments in solid state batteries
Guinevere Giffin, Fraunhofer
10:50 Energy Storage initiatives
Søren Linderoth, DTU Energy
11:10 Break for coffee
11:30 Producentansvar for batterier – regler om ansvarlig bortskaffelse
Johnny Bøwig, DPA-System
11:50 Recycling and reuse of batteries
Jørn C. Tidemann, Fortum
12:10 Lunch
13:00 Breakout sessions
- X-ray and neutron diffraction
- Solid state batteries
- Environmental considerations and recycling of batteries
14:30 Break for coffee
15:00 Making research a reality: The road to commercialisation of Prussian blue based sodium ion batteries
William Brant, Uppsala University
15:30 Member pitches
3 slides in 6 minutes updates from 10 of our members
16:30 Rounding off
Poul Norby, Danish Battery Society