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2018 General Meeting

It is a great pleasure to invite all members to the annual general meeting on 7th of March 2018 at 16.30.

The meeting is placed in connection with the Danish Battery Symposium. The agenda of the meeting is found below. Changes may occur.

General Meeting in the Danish Battery Society

Election of chairman and referent
Jonathan Højberg, Research Engineer, Haldor Topsøe A/S

Chairman’s report
Lars Barkler, CEO Lithium Balance

Presentation and approval of accounts
Jon Fold von Bülow, Research Engineer, Haldor Topsøe A/S

Proposals from board and members
The board proposes to change paragraph 10 in our statutes regarding the establishment of professional sections whose main purpose is to hold meetings and other activities in a particular subject area. Particularly, we wish to change the statement so that a specialized section can charge a separate membership fee. The change is necessary to include the ERFA group BG-04 in DBS. The proposed formulation of the paragraph is (reformulated part in green):

On the recommendation of a group of members of the society, the Board may decide to establish professional sections whose main purpose is to hold meetings and other activities in a particular subject area. A set of regulations must be designed and approved by the board for each section. Members of the society can decide which sections they want to be associated with. Each specialized section is managed by a board of directors. Sections can receive financial support from the society and has the right to independently seek funding for section activities from public and private funds. If agreed by the board, a section is allowed to charge a separate membership fee. Specialized sections will be closed down when the board no longer finds that special activities in the area are needed. The Board may decide the establishment and closure of local sections. The detailed guidelines for their activities and management are determined in each case by the Board.

Election of board members

Election of auditor

Any other business

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