3 good articles from ing.dk involving batteries (in Danish)

3 articles involving batteries posted on ing.dk in the last 2 days of 2016
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Rasmus Sass Bjørch
Rasmus Sass Bjørch joined Garia A/S in 2006. He has a mechanical background and was in the beginning designing chassis frame and wheel suspension. Rasmus found interest for batteries in the early years at Garia and started to learn and work with batteries.
He is now the responsible for the propulsion systems at Garia, including wire harness, batteries, motors, motor controllers, transmission etc.
Garia are designing, developing and manufacturing electric vehicles for golf, leisure and utility purpose.
Garia also does engineering services and are currently developing several deferent projects in the electric vehicle segment, such as cargo scooters, motorcycles and multi person vehicles.
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/artikel/3-good-articles-from-ing-dk-involving-batteries-in-danish.htm