At the event an expert panel will help map out our trajectory by sharing the latest insights into the status, direction, opportunities and hurdles of both stationary and mobile energy storage. The panel will then guide us down into three specific areas of technology that are boosting energy storage progress: Supercapacitors, Solid-state Batteries, and Metal-ion Batteries. With navigation in place from the panel, all participants will then man their stations (bring your laptop!) and familiarize themselves with in order to begin taking action on the Challenge.
Take a break in the action to enjoy snacks, drinks, and a beer or two during this great opportunity to synch-up and network with those locally who share your tech passion…who knows what new projects and ideas might arise here or later via!
Jon Fold von Bülow recieved his Cand. Scient. in Nanoscience from University of Copenhagen in 2011 and is currently working with upscaling Li- and Na-ion battery materials to the 100+ kg scale for Haldor Topsøe A/S.
Jon's main interest lies in energy technologies for the future and he started working with fusion energy at Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy. He has since developed a growing interest in technologies that are closer to potential industrial application. He is a highly dedicated academic as well as a very active professional and have initiated and participated in many different projects.
His studies within nanotechnological material science and affiliation with Risø National Laboratories has taken him to Germany, China and the US, where he has collaborated independently with several international research groups. He has so far succeeded in pushing two academic projects to industrial application, first with the Danish company Coloplast A/S and recently with a California-based battery start-up – an invention that is currently being US patented.
Jon has conducted most of his work on Li-batteries in the facilities of California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) as a research scholar at UCSB-MIT-Caltech Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies (ICB). The manganese based cathode materials he fabricated during this period were all tuned for high-power applications and covers synthesis of various manganese oxides from solution, molten and solid states.
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Dansk Batteriselskab (DBS) er en uafhængig faglig organisation af enkeltpersoner, institutioner og virksomheder, der arbejder med alle typer batterier i Danmark.
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