Suggestions for the annual symposium

Dear members and followers.

We have started the preparations for the annual symposium 2016, which will be held at Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, DTU Lyngby campus on the 7th of April 2016.

Next years symposium is our fourth in a row and we ask for your contribution. The event will be structured based on your direct input. We have picked a few backup speakers already, but the symposium will only be held, if we get positive feedback from you. The society is able to cover reasonable travel and accommodation costs for invited speakers up to 5000 DKK.

So, let us know where your interests within batteries are and please suggest topics or speakers using the form below.

Important: You only have to fill out the fields relevant to you.

Examples of topics

  • Failure mechanisms in batteries
  • Chemistry of commercial batteries
  • Testing of battery materials
  • Battery technologies specific for grid storage
  • How is a battery made?
  • Chemistry of new battery technologies

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