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Andreas completed his BSc in chemistry at University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in 2017 where he worked on different projects involving different functional inorganic materials.

In 2019 he started a 4+4 Ph.D. position under supervision of Associate Professor Dorthe B. Ravnsbæk at SDU and in collaboration with Haldor Topsøe A/S with the title “Investigation of Li-ion intercalation mechanisms in rechargeable batteries”. Andreas investigates electrode materials for Li-ion batteries, as well as other materials, such as transition metal oxides for sodium ion batteries.

The project is part of the ESS Lighthouse SMART (Structure of MAterials in Real Time), which in addition to X-ray diffraction experiments aims to use neutron scattering techniques to study structural evolutions in the battery during operational conditions.

Gunnar studied mathematics and physics in Braunschweig and Hamburg (Germany) and received a Ph.D. in mathematical physics from Hamburg University in 2014. Between 2007 and 2017, he held various positions in academic and industrial research and development of electrochemical energy system technologies, in particular fuel cell and battery hybrid systems for aerospace and marine applications.

He joined Nerve Smart Systems ApS in 2017 as a Senior Developer and he is currently the companies Lead Scientist for the research and development of a battery management system for reconfigurable battery systems with variable topology. In this position, Gunnar also participates in funded research projects and acts as industrial supervisor for various student projects.

Gunnars research interests include the mathematical modelling and simulation of electrochemical energy technologies as cyber-physical systems to derive optimal system architectures and control strategies.

Projektchef (Project Director), fokus på innovations- og teknologiudviklingsprojekter i virksomhederne i samarbejde med vidensinstitutioner og offentlige organisationer. Erhvervsfremme, vækst og udvikling indenfor alt hvad der rimer på energieffektivitet, energilagring, energiinfrastruktur, sektorintegration, elektrificering m.m. Har tidligere været forskningsprojektleder ved SDU vedr. bla. udvinding af termisk energi fra havvand (varme/køl) m.m.


My mission is to lead the development within the energy and transportation segment towards new innovative and sustainable solutions.

I'm a fundraising with high hitrate. Always thinking and finding the right solution for the benefit of all the partners, is a balance between diplomacy and effectiveness, I possess both.

Business Development - I am a skilled strategic thinker who is able to link operational goals with strategic vision. Part of the business management, developing new strategies and implementing them in an effective and balanced manner.

Through my entire carrier product development has been the backbone of my jobs - from idea to product - also leading to a number of patents.

Examples of recent activity:
Danish Transport Innovation Network - On road coordinator

Green eMotion: The largest EV demonstration project in Europe. Everything from demo of European clearing house and charging infrastructure to policy making and EV testing. Seat in Executive Board

DREAM: Applying technical, economical and anthropological skills to the mass roll out of smart grid ready equipment such as heat pumps. Head of project.

Smart Grid Open: Preparing for a national conformance testing of smart grid ready equipment. Head of steering board.

Scania Hybrid Concept: Very innovative and non compromising project focussing on the urban bus and distribution truck of tomorrow. Head of project.

Poul Alberg Østergaard is a professor in energy planning at the Department of Planning at Aalborg University. From a background in electrical engineering, Poul Alberg Østergaard went on to focus on energy systems from a more holistic perspective. Thus, his research is primarily focused on the scenarios for and simulations of future energy systems based highly on fluctuating renewable energy sources. He is involved in a number of Danish and international research projects on renewable energy systems including for instance SMILE on smart renewable energy islands, MUSE GRIDS on integrated energy systems, RE-INVEST on robust energy investment strategies for Denmark in a future renewable energy Europe and 4DH on 4th generation district heating systems. In addition, he is the programme director of the M.Sc. Eng. programme in Sustainable Energy Planning and Management at Aalborg University and has been involved in various other teaching and training activities notably energy systems analyses work-shops on three continents.

Patrik Johansson received his PhD in Inorganic Chemistry in 1998 from Uppsala University, Sweden.
After a postdoc with Mark Ratner and Duward Shriver at the Chemistry Department at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA, he returned to Sweden and Chalmers University of Technology where he was promoted to Full Professor in Physics in 2016 (Prof. in 2012). During 2014-2015 he was Visiting Professor at LRCS-CNRS, UPJV, in Amiens, France.
He has continuously aimed at combining understanding of new materials at the molecular scale, often via ab initio/DFT computational methods and IR/Raman spectroscopy, with battery concept development and real battery performance. His special interest is electrolytes; liquid, gel, polymer, and ionic liquid, especially salts and additives, for Li-ion batteries and various novel battery technologies: Na-ion, Li-S, Mg, Ca, Al, etc.
He is currently active in several national and international projects, many involving Swedish and European industry incl. 3 large H2020 projects: NAIADES, HELIS and CARBAT. The excellence of the Chalmers team can further be exemplified by the many invited talks at the most prestigious conferences (e.g. IMLB, IBA, €-MRS, etc.) and for Patrik to closed communities (e.g. RISING2 – NEDO, Japan, BMW – Germany, etc.) as well as many direct contracts and contacts with industry (e.g. AB Volvo, Volvo Cars, Honda, Toyota, SAFT, etc.) His work on structural batteries (with Prof. Asp and Prof. Lindbergh at KTH) was recently chosen by Physics World magazine as a Top-10 breakthrough of 2018 and in 2015 he won the Open Innovation Contest on Energy Storage arranged by BASF for his new ideas on Al-battery technology (prize sum 100,000€).
He currently leads a group of ca. 12 PhD students and postdocs, is since Jan 1st 2018 also co-director of CNRS FR 3104 ALISTORE-ERI; one of Europe's largest industry-academia networks within the field of modern batteries, and is the Chalmers representative in the Programme Board of Swedish Electromobility Centre. He has published >150 scientific papers cited >6450 times, written 5 book-chapters, and is Vice Head of Division for Condensed Matter Physics.

Michael J. Aziz received his B.S. from Caltech and his Ph.D. from Harvard, both in Applied Physics. He spent two years at Oak Ridge National Laboratory as Eugene P. Wigner Postdoctoral Fellow. He has been a member of the faculty at what is now the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences since he joined in 1986 and is now Gene and Tracy Sykes Professor of Materials and Energy Technologies. Aziz has made significant contributions to a number of fields in applied physics and materials science including the kinetics of rapid solidification; pressure and stress effects on kinetics of diffusion and growth; nonequilibrium surface pattern formation during ion irradiation; and applications of materials synthesized utilizing nonequilibrium kinetics.

His recent research interests include novel materials and processes for energy technology and greenhouse gas mitigation. He is co-inventor of the organic aqueous flow battery and directs a multi-investigator research program on stationary electrical energy storage. He is the Faculty Coordinator for Harvard's University-Wide Graduate Consortium on Energy and Environment, for which he developed a quantitative course on Energy Technology for a group of students in diverse disciplines. He is co-authoring a textbook, "Introduction to Energy Technology: Depletable and Renewable".

Lars Kruse has a theoretical background in electronics engineering, and a broad management experience from international companies. Where he, at the upper management level, have been involved in developing and managing; sales, product and production areas at companies in the particle accelerator and medico products business, which has been wide spread technological; power electronics, software embedded/control systems, and mechanical construction

Dr. Christine Minke MBA has expertise in techno-economic and life cycle assessment of energy storage technologies. As a researcher at the Research Center Energy Storage Technologies, Clausthal University, her focus is on electrochemical conversion, i.e. redox flow batteries and hydrogen technologies. She has a master’s and doctorate degree from Clausthal University of Technology/Germany and obtained an MBA at Collège des Ingénieurs Paris/France. Since 2015 she is a lecturer for process engineering and life cycle assessment. Since 2018 Christine Minke is a member of the Association of German Engineers’ (VDI) Technical Committee Energy Storage.

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