The first meeting in the Danish Battery Society was held on 1 March 2013. 64 participants followed 11 invited talks in the Niels Bohr auditorium at the Technical University of Denmark, Risø Campus. The talks covered the most important research- and development projects in Denmark within batteries. Descriptions of all talks and speakers can be found in the program along with copies of the presentations.
Both industry and research institutions were well represented at the meeting which resulted in a very interesting debate about future activities within the Danish Battery Society. In addition to these discussions, it was suggested to initiate a PhD network and this is something the management will look into soon together with the board.
At the general meeting the statutes were presented and approved after a minor change of the number of votes related to each of the membership types. After this the board was elected and the contingent was set.
Minutes of the general meeting
Photos: Andreas Elkjær Christensen.