2021.06.08 Webinar: Udvikling af batterimaterialer hos Haldor Topsoe
Opdatering 2021.06.17: Præsentation nu tilgængelig!
Dansk Batteriselskab inviterer til et spændende webinar med en af de førende danske virksomheder indenfor batterimaterialer.
Udvikling af batterimaterialer hos Haldor Topsoe
Tirsdag d. 8. juni 2021 fra kl. 15:00 til 16:00 (CEST)
Jonathan Højberg, projektleder for udvikling af LNMO batterimateriale hos Haldor Topsoe, vil i dette webinar fortælle om udviklingen af batterimaterialer hos Haldor Topsoe. Der vil trækkes tråde tilbage til starten for 10 år siden, men det primære fokus vil ligge på produktion, optimering og opskalering, samt hvad det kræver at bryde igennem som ny spiller på markedet med et materiale som ikke er demonstreret i stor skala.
Sprog: Dansk
Deltagelse: Webinaret vil finde sted via en online platform, f.eks. Microsoft Teams eller Zoom. Registrerede deltagere vil modtage en email med link få timer inden webinarets afholdelse.
Præsentation: Se Jonathans præsentation her:
Jonathan Højberg
Jonathan Højberg received his Cand. Polyt. in Physics and Nanotechnology from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in 2011 with a specialization within atomic scale physics related to sustainable energy solutions.
He is currently pursuing a PhD within the field of Lithium-air batteries in a collaboration between DTU Energy Conversion and Haldor Topsøe A/S. He has been heavily engaged in building up state-of-the-art test facilities for Lithium-air batteries at both places and deciding which experiments to conduct.
Jonathan is highly motivated by the interplay between universities and industry, and how the synergies can accelerate the development of new and sustainable energy technologies. In 2009 he founded a company to leverage a newly developed technology to harvest ocean wave energy. The proof-of-concept was developed by making bachelor projects and courses for 15 students at DTU with different competences and coordinating this work. The work resulted in a top-3 in the national start-up competition Venture Cup in the cleantech category and the ideas were adapted in a national collaboration granted 48 MDKK by the Advanced Technology Foundation in 2011 to further develop the technology.
Besides ocean wave power and batteries, Jonathan has worked extensively with the development of cathode materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells at the Fuel Cells and Solid State Chemistry Division at Risø, DTU (now part of DTU Energy Conversion). The work focussed on building electrochemical models to describe the cathode, and identify and optimize the most important parameters.
Permanent link to this article: http://batteriselskab.dk/arrangementer/praesentationer/2021-06-08-webinar-udvikling-af-batterimaterialer-hos-haldor-topsoe.htm